
We have a robin nesting in a low tree touching a fence, which the local cat is very adept at climbing. Ideas??

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It's a stockade fence, and it's almost like an engraved invitation it's so easy for the cat to leap up on. So...what do we do, drape barbed wire on it?




  1. Leave it alone.  Getting near the nest, you leave your scent, mom bird will not return.

  2. Don't touch the nest you will leave your scent behind and the mother bird will not return.  What you can do is in a spray bottle mix water and a very hot spice and spry all around the fence as well as put the hot spice in some cat food when the cat eats the food the cat will be deterred away from the spot because of the hot spice.  The spice will not hurt the cat.

  3. Let nature take it's course and do nothing.  That is the moto of the National Geographic and I think it should be yours too.  You might be surprised that the cat will leave it alone.  And if the cat doesn't, then you get to witness "survival of the fittest".

    We had a bird nest on our porch door and we had three cats.  None of the cats bothered the birds and eventually they all left when they were old enough.

  4. WOW!   Cannot believe all the bad info you were given here.  First of all, birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT abandon eggs or chicks that have been touched by humans.  However, it is never a good idea to touch nests in the first place....but you CAN lead a mammalian predator to a nest that has your scent.  Also, people talking about "survival of the fittest" are absolutely wrong.. domesticated cats are in NO way part of the natural ecosystem and should not be allowed to kill native wildlife.  Domesticated cats are actually responsible for the death of MILLIONS of birds just in the US each year..they are becoming a huge problem in contributing to the endangerment of many species.  As far as keeping then nest to the owners of the cat and see if they will be responsible and keep their cat indoors. (at least until the birds leave the nest if they are unwilling to compromise)  Some cities have "leash laws" for cats as well.  Let the neighbor know that you will you will harass the cat if you see it near the nest.  You can turn a hose on the cat when you see it in the nest vicinity. If barbed wire works to deter it..sure use it. Don't hurt the cat...just deter it. I am also a huge cat lover, but realize they no longer have a place in nature.   Besides scaring the cat away...there is not much else you can do..just hope the cat does not find the nest.

  5. yes exactly ,

    drape barbed ,or razor wire over it

    or hunt the cat

  6. I don't know about the spice, but see if that cat repellent spray they use to keep them off of stuff like couches works and is safe to use in the wild.

    Don't touch the nest or go too near it. Your scent will cause the mother to abandon it.

  7. i think moving the nest to a different tree would do the trick. as the other answers above or below me, it seems that going near the nest, or touching the nest will make the mom bird not come back. calling for some help should not hurt. good luck with this.

  8. It's called survival of the fittest...

    yeah, hurt the cat with barbed wire so he doesn't hurt the bird. Do not mess with the natural balance of nature.

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