
We have a summer luau party every year should we have adults only or should we have the kids?

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2 years ago I had a 40th birthday luau for my husband Adults Only. My daughter was upset that she wasn't there. So last year I invited kids. There was about 25 kids and we have a pool. It was a little chaotic. I hired a lifeguard and I bought tons of games & activities. It went well but, I was thinkig of doing a dinner luau this year. Should I have the kids or adults only?




  1. A good rule of thumb is, if you serve booze leave the kids home. Drunks and children do not mix.  And you would responsible by law if a child was harmed at YOUR party. You also run the risk of your pal Joe, the one that always hits on the ladies, hitting on the older children when he drunk.  I say booze is for adults only.

  2. I never attend parties if my kids are not invited. I feel insulted and they would be hurt.

  3. As a mother of two VERY well-behaved kids who go everywhere with me I have to say ADULTS ONLY!!!

    Have fun  :-)

  4. well, i would say u should have only adults and  let ur daughter come with only 5 friends that way ur daughter would be happy and ur going to be happy......i hope i helped....

  5. Do adults only- we sometimes need a break from the kids!

  6. I would ask the adults what they think and go with the general consensus. If you are at all having doubts about involving the children, just go with your instincts. The children will be upset of course (as they always are when they don't have their way) but they will get over it and understand more as they get older. If you are truly torn with subject you could always try to find volunteer parents who would enjoy having a seperate party for the kids and then everyone would be set for a babysitter! Or you could have a children's luau the day before or something so that they feel a little special and not left out... Any time you are planning a party the over all goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves so keep that in mind. Good luck and have fun.

  7. Adults Only!

    Have some fun!!!!

    There's no need to say the following things:

    1.  Put that down!

    2.  Don't do that!

    3.  Stop!

    4.  Hunnee, can you put her/him to bed?

    5.  Mommy, I'm tired, when will this party end?

    6.  Mommy, I'm hungry!

    7.  d**n!

    8.  Next time, this will be an adults-only party

    9.  I'm not havin' any more kids

    Again, adults only, you will be so happy & content!

  8. both

  9. Both- Have an area where a teenager can watch the children and do art and crafts...luau games....Than have fun with all of your friends

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