
We have all answered on how old you should be when you have a baby but...?

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at what age should a person STOP having children? do you think theres a certain age a person should stop?




  1. I had my last one at 32, because I didn't want to be 60 years old with a teenager in my house and too tired from that to enjoy my life!  I saw it happen to my inlaws and it was not pretty.

  2. I think it is a personal opinion I don't want any more kids after the age of 25 I had my first at 18 and my husband and I are TTC #2 and I am 23.  I want this part of my life to be about the kids and from 45+ to be about me and my husband!!

  3. 35, when your kid grads you would be 53..that would be wack

  4. yes very much so!

    My mother had me at 39 years of age and a hated growing up when my mom was in her 50's.

    She was never able to do the things that regular moms do, and as a teen i constantly worry about her health.

    I think you should think of you baby when you are an older women trying to get pregnant instead of yourself.

    you have to remember that once you have the baby you have it for 18 years and you are going to want to be around for your child to have babies.

    Mosty women think that because they are healthy and in great shape when they are pregant that it is okay but it isn't

    You also have to think of the childs chances of being born with a disorder.

    So i stongly believe you should be in your thirties o later when having babies,

    Good luck to all the mommies out the  and future mommies and do not take this answer the wrng way, please.

  5. A healthy woman can be in her early 40s. I know three women who recently had babies at 40 and 42 - one, unfortunately, has Down's Syndrome.

    My mom was 35 when she had me - the fifth kid, then was 45 when she had my little brother - a lovely surprise!

    Hope you still love your mom, even if she was a little older when she had you. Give her a hug, eh?

  6. Wow this is a tough question. My aunt had her son at age 42 and he is a very healthy, smart and outgoing kid. I think it depends on the person. I have met some very healthy and active 50-60 year olds, but I am unsure of the strain a child would have on their lives. But if men are having babies at older ages now, I don't think women should have a double standard. (although I do understand the risk health-wise.)

  7. Personally, I don't want anymore after 34 but I think people should stop having children in their mid 40's?

  8. I had my children when I was 25 and 27 but I am now 31 and if I have 1 more it will be before 35 I don't want to be too old when my kids are considered adults. And also alot more risks are at stake the older you are. For you and the baby. but it's everyone own opinion on how old is too old. Some people say well I'll start early I don't want to start late and die when my kids are still young because even being young something could happen to anyone.

  9. I believe it's a personal choice.  My mother had my youngest brother at 36 and a friend of the families' mother had her youngest at 41.  I'm 21 and have yet to even start thinking about my first, but in most cases, your body will let you know when it's the right time to have children as well as when your childbearing days are over.

  10. I'd say to stop around 35 to be safest.. everyone is different so things could still be perfectly fine but it gets harder and harder on the mother and the baby as you get to that age. (not that i know this by experience) I'm pregnant at the moment with my first baby and have found out alot of interesting things from the midwife/doctors/etc There is much higher risk of Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) and of miscarriages/etc.. Personally, i'd not want to go through having anything bad happen to my baby so would try and stop having kids at 30-35.

  11. There should not be an expiry date on a woman's fertility, but I would say sometime during their 40's. Once they can no longer keep up with their kids is a good time to stop :P:P A friend of mine's parents are in their 60's and he is 13!!! So, there is not much wrong with having a baby when you're older, except that the child will always have older parents.

  12. Yep around ur middle 40s because..ur kids can have birth defects...and get autism or don't have any kids around there and older!♥

  13. I think late 40's should be the maximum. Gena Davis was 48 when she had her twins and they have no genetic defects, and the same with Marcia Cross (Desperate Housewives). The women that have them in their 60s are being selfish. Most likely they will not be around to see them graduate high school. The one lady is 70 years-old now and has a 3 year-old. She lives in a dingy apartment. Does she have the energy to play with her? Most likely not.  I am 38 and plan on trying again in the next year for our 2nd (And last) baby.

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