
We have an 8 year old and a 4 year old, what are some of the ideas for best summer camps?

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We have an 8 year old and a 4 year old, what are some of the ideas for best summer camps?




  1. 1) Where do you live?

  2. Scouting or church camps are wonderful for the 8 year old but 4 is too young for camp.

  3. I put my boys in Vacation Bible School (they have a blast)--  They take them at 3 or 4.   I also put them in a nature camp and again they take them at 3 or 4.    If your 4 year old is mature enough, let him go to some sort of camp (half day camp).  And then the library has a summer reading program that's fun and at the end of it-- we get a lot of coupons for dinners or museums.   You can ask some of your friends-- what camps are around the area.    I just found out that there is a school with a 2 week theater camp for the young kids which I loved!!!   I like to keep them busy because if they get bored, they just want the TV on and then get cranky!

  4. Hi there's a good site that can show you some fun things that may be going on in your area. Might not be any camps but it will give you some activites to do with your kids :-)

  5. It depends on your location and availability of the camps.  

    What are your options?

  6. Family camps

  7. 4 years old is way to young for camp.

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