
We have an above ground pool and cannot get the Cholrine level up?

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We have an above ground pool and cannot get the Cholrine level up?




  1. Check out the forums and stickies on the site below. If you post your test numbers there, you will get lots of help.

  2. Hey there!

    Well, before I can help you with your problem you'll need to answer a few questions, as there can be numerous reasons.

    What type of chlorine do you use? (liquid,granular,sticks?)

    Do you add it directly to the pool or do you have an automated feeder?

    Is your pool in direct sunlight for the majority of the day?

    Are your indicator solutions (in your test kit) more than a year old?

    How often do you super-chlorinate("shock") your pool?

  3. Add more chlorine.

    Check the level of cyanuric acid (CYA) - the chemical that keeps ultra-violet radiation from breaking down the chlorine.  If the level is too high, you may not have enough free chlorine in the water to sanitize properly.  The only way to reduce CYA is by dilution with more water.

  4. Then some other chemical is throwing your water chemistry off. Measure everything before adding more cholrine.

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