
We have an employee that we think is stealing money, how can we set her up to catch her?

by  |  earlier

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We have 2 waitresses that have had money stolen in the past month and the same person has been here both times. Customers are not allowed access to the area where the money is presumed to have been taken. We do have a camera system, however the exact area is somewhat out of the view or is very blurry. Any suggestions?




  1. Give the suspect a neclace with a tiny camera in it and if she steals and you have a monitor, you will have caught her.

  2. Go to the police for advice.

  3. get a new camera and put it on that area - is it personal money from a handbag? get lockers so the employees can lock up their belongings. If it's cash register or tip jar money - get a new video camera

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