
We have an orphan kitten and we cant get it to have a bowel movement , what can I do?

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we have an orphan kitten and we cant get it to have a bowel movement , what can I do




  1. Take it to a Vet!!

  2. Give it some warm milk, and take it to the vet

  3. You need to rb a warm wash cloth on its bottom. This will stimulate the back door.If that doesn't work then if you can take it to a vet. The mother cat left the kitten probably because there was something wrong with it. I picked up a kitten before and took it to work with me let it lay on a heating pad and every 2 hours I tried to feed it. It had one bowel movement and then the next day it died. I don't know what I did wrong but at least I tried. My sister said that is why the Mommy left it, because something was wrong. Good luck I hope it turns out better for you.

  4. Try rubbing a warm wet wash cloth on its......hoo ha

    Mommy cats l**k down there to help them have bowel movements.

    I know it sounds disgusting, but it works.

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