
We have baby bunnies in our yard, if we touch them would the mama come back and care for them?

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We have baby bunnies in our yard, if we touch them would the mama come back and care for them?




  1. It could depend on the situation, but it's best to let the alone, so their mommy can take care of them.  They need mommy more than a human.

  2. um... they would probably have ticks or some kind of sickness that they could give you. i wouldnt touch them. at least get them to a vet if you want to keep them.

  3. Their mother would still care for them.  The old wives tale you've been told is a myth.

    Good luck catching them though.

  4. It will be ok if you just pet them for a moment and then leave them alone, but if you pick them up and carry them around they will start to smell like you and the mama won't know that the bunny is hers so she will not have anything to do with it.  This is what I was told as I grew up, I never tried it because my parents usually never lied to me.

  5. dont touch them dont at all if you need use gloves i use to have rabbits if you touch them when they are babies the mother will smell your scent on them and either kill them or not feed or care for them it happend to me once i touched it and the mom came and sat on it till it died

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