
We have been TTC for 10 months and now this comes up???

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We have been trying to conceive for 10 months and I have been on Clomid for 3. We have carefully planned budgeted and saved for a baby. My husband has a wonderful good paying job. Just yesterday he found out that the plant that he works at is closing down in Septemer. And I am a housewife. He was homeschooled and doesn't have his GED, and works 2nd so he doesn't have time to go to school to get it. If you were in this situation would you quit trying? Any advice for us. And yes I plan on getting a job, but the pay rate for secretaries is low around here.




  1. I would wait until at least one of you has a job.  Having a baby is very stressful and very expensive.  You don't want to add to the stress by not having the money to buy the things you need.  

    If you are going to keep trying the first thing you need to do is go the WIC office and get aid.  You should be on and stay on prenatal vitamens.  Becuase they prevent some birth defects.  

    If your husband is smart enough and learned the things he should have when he was homeschooled he shouldn't need to go back to school to get a GED.  He can just find out where and when they are giving the test and go take it.  Also his work ethic is often  more important to a new co. then a GED.  If the plant hasn't closed yet he should get busy now trying to find a new job because it's always easire to find one when you are still working.  I don't know how much he wants to make but he might try Sam's club.  If they hired my niece's moron husband who has never worked for more that a few months at any job they will hire anyone.  

    Good luck.

  2. I would wait a little bit.. they offer a lot of  different options on getting your GED even on weekends it will be a lot of work for a while but once he has that the job options will be better for him.. and i woul just advice you to get a job for a little while just to make sure your bills are getting paid things like this happen all the time the main thing is you guys are there for each other... I also attend school online maybe that would be something you guys might be interested in I am not sure if they do GED's that way but they make if very convient for people to get it. Just keep your head up and wait a little while until you feel like you are stable enough to have a baby and only you can know when that is...

    Good Luck :)

  3. I wouldn't give up, if thats what you want.  You can get plenty of government assistance to help you.  And he can get loans to get his GED and then he can enroll in college classes.  If you don't want to be on government assistance though, I would wait until you are a little more stable.

  4. you don't have to have alot of money to be a good parent!!

  5. No way! dont give up! Just because you may not have as much money as you'll like doeas not mean you should give up. If money was the reason why people should or would have kids, I bet the fertility rate would be a lot lower than it is noe lol! I always said that I was never gonna get pregnant because I am too selfish at the best of times lol! ( I love shoes and clothes, what can I say)!, but then I fell pregnant earlier this year and decided to go for it because the gift of a child is so precious, especially to desiring couples. My pregnancy ended in m/c and I was devasted and it took that tragedy to make me realise that I do want kids and so does my bf and he is a window cleaner and im currently out of work! (I am looking though). Dont give up, If you want a baby, I say go for it!

  6. my advice 2 u is that if u both want a baby go 4 it wen me and my husband was trying 4 a baby both r jobs were going but we carried on cause we knew that with a baby on the way that would make us even more determined 2 find a job even if the money isnt that good also there is help out there 4 parents on a low income and i believe u have 2 do wot makes u happy and if thats having a baby then go for it GOODLUCK X

  7. If you learn to budget your money, you can make a little go a long way.  You'll obviously have to give up luxuries to afford a baby, but since it can take some people so long, and if you really want a child, you should probably keep trying!  Goodluck to you and your husband in the future!

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