
We have been dating for a month now and she says i love you?

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i feel it too a strong connection and when i am with her i feel amazing she compleates me and all though people give us **** for being lesbians together we look past that. We have been dating a month and she told me she loves me. i feel great! ive been wanting to say it for a week now and well how do i kno if i truely love her? i mean i care for her alot and i feel the love i just don't know if im ready to say it, does that make sense?




  1. Run, for god sake run! You cannot know somebody until the fake newness wears off. So how can you love someone you really don't know? It is over the long haul that tells the tale. Don't be in love with the Idea of love. Your heart is to precious for thinking you love just because you need to love. But do what you want and maybe you'lll end up as bitter and wise as everybody else.

  2. Love has many faces. You can love someone from the first day, you can love them from the first week, month etc.

    So if you feel it, say it.

  3. You are scared to say it, which is making you doubt your love for her.

    I bet you if you tell her you love her won't be able to stop saying it!

    i am glad you two are doing well, and I am not sure what age each of you is, but hopefully you will soon shake off most of those rude people who are giving you **** for loving when they should be beating themselves up for being such haters:P

    good luck saying those three big words:D

    take care:D

  4. If you feel you love her and want to be with her then that is what it is. Just tell her.

  5. Just say it when you truly mean it.

  6. You never know when you find love....its ok to be in love in a month. Just remember to be safe and if she is one of the crazy people like I will love you forever...maybe her meaning of love isn't the same as yours. Talk to her.  

  7. When you are ready to say it, you'll know.

    My boyfriend told me he loved me after a month of dating. I actually shushed him and told him that it wasn't a good time. About a week before we moved in together (3 months together) he said he loved me again and I said it in response.

    We have been together since Dec of 2000. Friends for 3 months before that.

  8. If you were ready or beleived you loved her you would not be asking the question here.To say I love you is natural if you indeed do love someone.

    Besides love has to grow and one month is not just a great deal of time to be able to know.

  9. yes that does make sense...jus be with her more...n talk 2 her more (freely)

    see if u can stay without her, if not then its tym 4 u 2 tell her u love her..

  10. I think if you are saying "she completes me" that means you love her. Love doesn't have to be defined by being with someone a certain amount of time. You can be in love with a person after one day together, or "at first sight". Your brain can feel in love with a person fairly quickly. I would say if she said "I love you" and you think you love her too or at least like her alot, you should either just say it back or try to joke with her about it, avoiding the subject until you feel more comfortable. Don't let her think that it means you are not into her though.

  11. You can love someone after a week, a month, or a year! It depends on the two people involved. Its definitely possible to love her in a month! Every time I hear that phrase "you complete me" I always think of Austin Powers......."Mini-Me, you complete me." (Sorry, just had to add that!! lol)

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