
We have been married for 10yrs in two weeks wanna do something special any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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wedding anniversary




  1. Take a trip somewhere you both wish to go to.

  2. Try to relive that first date feeling.  Tell your wife that she neeeds to be ready at a certain time and tell her to dress nice.  Then take her out and give her the time of her life just like you were out on a date.  It should really surprise her, and make her feel like she is the luckiest person in the world to have someone like you in her life.

  3. renew your cousin did in vegas, it was soo nice!!! :)

  4. the poconos in pa is great for couples it has all kind of packages and they serve you breakfast in bed dinner is buffet style (breakfast and dinner comes is your package) and lunch is on you they have a place on the grounds you can get something there or go out they have pools in your room and jacuzzis fireplace ....the also have outdoor activities comedy clubs basketball etc tons of stuff  

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