
We have friends coming for tea tomorrow night, they don't like mushrooms or tomatoes. What should I make?

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We have friends coming for tea tomorrow night, they don't like mushrooms or tomatoes. What should I make?




  1. How about something sweet?  Mini Cheesecakes would be good:

    Or grilled artisan bread with sliced feta and black olives would be good.

  2. Biscuits olives and parmesan Elena Di Giovanni





    for about 40 biscuits:

    300 grams of flour (I mixed 0 and 00), 150 g of butter, 130 grams of black olives, 80 grams of grated parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, a little water.

    Ask a fountain with the flour, put the butter into pieces and parmesan and begin kneading, sfregando hands and reducing everything to a briciolame. Add the olives to pieces and private core (you'll have to get 100 grams of pieces of olives), salt, pepper and one or two tablespoons of water. To form a ball, drawing on paper of the oven and cut flowers with tagliabiscotti. Arrange on plate, bake at 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes. Knead again cuttings pasta and repeat cutting.

    It is kept in tin boxes for 20 days.

  3. try with a nice quische lorraine. It its a French pie made up with eggs, milk, butter, bacon and onion, but you can add virtually anything (BUT mushrooms or tomatoes, obviously!!!)

  4. Did they make in known to you of these dislikes..

    There not your friends..

    Take them to a pub,, cafe or whatever you call it..

    Let them order,,, you pay for it,, No picky nonsense..and stressing over if you did it right ..

    And too bad if that is rude over there.

    Matter fact tell them to meet you there.

  5. Brie cheese and crackers. Delicious!  

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