
We have had lots of bees

by Guest59585  |  earlier

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we first had them one some watermelon and there was so many that you could see the melon today I took out the trash and there was tones of the all in the trash can what is the best way to get ride of them?I rent do I have the landlord take care of it?




  1. I agree with thatsit.....

    dont kill them.  search " bees " on this site and you will know why.  

  2. Honey bees do NOT hang around trash cans.  Yellow Jackets however (a kind of wasp), do.  They are yellow and black striped, like bees, but not as fuzzy.  Smaller than paper wasps, and other wasps that people typically identify as wasps, and so they are very very commonly mistaken for bees.

    Yellow Jackets also get "mean", whereas honey bees just mind their business, and visit flowers.  What you describe sounds exactly like Yellow Jackets, and they can certain do damage to a small dog.  For one thing - they can sting repeatedly (honey bees can only sting once).

    If you small children are near the trash, or the dog is messing with it - you really need to deal with it.  Call the landlord BACK, and tell him they are not bees - they're WASPS...and they pose a threat to your small children.

  3. Yes.  Definitely notify the landlord.  And be careful.  I am allergic to bee venom and have a very bad reaction!

  4. Are they Honey Bees or Wasp? If they are honey bees leave them alone...just get rid of what is attracting them. They will leave the area once the food ( sweets ) source is gone. Wasp.....that a different story. Zap them with a good foaming spray killer.

  5. What is happening the honey bees need a source of sugar or pollen to build their honey combs and feed the young.  The problem today is that the bees are disappearing from the use of insecticides on plants and there is not as many flowers grown as before.  Therefore the bees locate something sweet with sugar and they devour it till gone.  What you can do to help when disposing a melon or something of the same seal it in a trash bag where nothing can get to it, or start a compost pile away form the children play area, and dog like in the furthest distance away from the house and that way they will go there instead of where the children may get stung.  If there is a swarm a large bundle of bees then call police and have a bee keeper to come out and remove the bees.

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