
We have heard a lot about the CINC for the Alaska National qualifications for Gov Sarah Palin.?

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What has she done with the Alaska National Guard besides preside over a budget? Has she ever activated the National Guard for use in Alaska? She doesn't control the Air Nation Guard...that is federally controlled. So what exactly has she done with the Alaska National Guard that makes her qualified to be president?




  1. Actually her overall qualifications greatly exceed the qualifications Obama brings to the table. She is only running for VP, while Obama is asking for the job of President. So if you want to put her down, maybe you should know what you are talking about 1st. At least she has worked with the National Guard, I doubt Obama even knows what the N.G. does.You Obama people give me a headache, when you try to compare apples and oranges and don't have a clue what you are talking about.

  2. She's not qualified.  She's just a tool to get disgruntled Hillary voters.  I know that sounds harsh.  I have no ill will toward Governor Palin, even though is sounds like I do.  She's being used because of 3 things:

    1. She is a Woman.

    2. She is young, something McCain's campaign needs(probably knows how to use email).

    3.  She's getting a good reputation as a reformer, because she's not as corrupt as the typical Alaska Republican, but it's pretty easy to be less corrupt than your typical Alaska Republican.  Seriously, that state just nominated Ted Stevens for re-election to US Senate while he is under 7 federal felony indictments!

    We are talking about a person, who very well may be a good person, I hope so.  But we aren't talking about a person who has an impressive resume.  Her education, well, she is educated, just not exactly from a school anyone has ever heard of.  She is a beauty queen, ok, I'm not sure what that brings to the table, but it doesn't do anything for me.  There is talk that she ran a commercial fishing outfit with her husband, but some have suggested that with her other job, she really didn't contribute much if anything to that venture.  She has been governor for over a year and a half, but this election will be over before she hits the 2 year mark.  Nearly half of that time she was secretly pregnant.  She ran for mayor on a platform that taxes were too high, even though she helped raise sales tax as a city council member and when she became mayor, she helped raise sales tax again to pay for a skating rink, which she feels the tax payers should pay for instead of healtcare.

    The big issue may be that she is very popular because her predecessors were so much worse.  Our hope is that she is actually really good.

    She talks about how she put a stop to the bridge to nowhere, but she was for it before she was against it.  

    The big joke is that some people have been touting her foreign relations experience because Alaska is between Canada and Russia, which made me nearly pee my pants.  

  3. Let me try to share some things with you.

    1. The term for the Gov, is Commander of the The national guard

    services in her state. That includes Air. Army, Etc. All standing

    and posted Units.

    2. What you tried to elude to Was NORAD. Which is controlled

    by the USAF. And Joint Services Command.

    3. As the Commander of the Alaska air and ground guard units,

    she is responsible for deployment authorizations. Budget authorizations. And Command and Control operations while they

    are working within the borders of the State of Alaska.

    4. Where she is not any longer in control is when the Guard unit

    has been activated for Federal cause and is then under the

    Command and control of DOD.

    5. Trying to downplay this womans experience and ability is really

    not advisable when you have no clue of what your talking about.

    Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden have less time on the

    front lines of executive management of a government than this

    woman has in chow line.

  4. ...In Alaska, she is the "Commanding Officer" of the Alaska Nat. Guard... not the C in C.  (you obviously have little Military experience)... and "Yes"... she is the C.O. of the Alaskan Air Nat. Guard as well... Unlike the "never" set foot in a Military Uniform, Barack; who hasn't even led a Troop of Girl Scouts... Gov. Palin is an "elected" Executive (Governor)...  by the way, she's not running for President... haven't you heard... It's John McCain (retired USN Commander, highly decorated Military Officer)   ...and by-the way, as C.O. of the Alaskan Nat. Guard, she is the "only" Governor or any U.S. Official who is keeping watch over a Border between the U.S. and Russia !

  5. That was good enough for Clinton in 1992.

    It's more than either Obama or Biden has.

    She directs their training in Alaska because they have to coordinate with other State agencies as part of the First Responders and other programs that are part of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.

    Hey, check a map.

    Look at where Russia is. Also the shipping lanes that pass within a few miles of Alaska and where submarine can move.

    This is serious business that Democrats haven't even thought about while they've been over-reacting.

    Alaska is on the Front Line, possibly more than any other State in the Union.

    We get a lot of oil and gas from there and it's important to our national security.

    And you worry about missiles in Cuba?

    She knows more than you think....

  6. That was what Clinton said was his experience in '92, hmm, so how come that doesn't work now?

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