
We have just been invited out to dinner by my husband's boss, what should I wear ?

by  |  earlier

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I have some nice pieces of jewelry, and a strapless gown.

Is their anything else I would need, about 30 employees and their wife's will be their.




  1. If you're required to wear an evening gown that sounds ok otherwise you'd be ridiculously overdressed

  2. If it is a posh affair fine, but is it! I would tone it down a bit otherwise you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb! see if your hubby can find out a bit more info about it!

  3. Wear dark apparels, black shoes and a nice jewelry.

  4. Just don't over do it, but don't dress down too much is better than not enough!! Make sure you feel confident in what you are wearing, it will show!

  5. Let's see: if it's formal, be elegant, but not too flashy (don't wear too many  accessories, for example) and wear something that is s**y but not revealing (so that you don't send the wrong message). Wear high heels and definitely a make-up that you know suits you best and perfume.

    Any way you choose, impeccable is the way to go. Pay a lot of attention to details (hair, nails...). and have fun :)  

  6. clothes and shoes

  7. A purse, and a shawl /or/ fancy thin sweater (if it gets cold). Nobody looks good shivering in strapless clothes, it makes them look like they are unprepaired for conditions, unorganized.  

  8. i agree with jinxy24 but add a pearl necklace and earrings

  9. just wear as little as possible Boss's expect that sort of subservience

  10. A bib, embossed with "I am not a very street wise person, please be understanding".

    And to prove it----see how I spelt Their, when I should have spelt There.

    Play the sick ticket, and save your embarrassment

  11. is it formal? will it be a birthday? Christmas? How old are you? 21 or 61? is your weight down enough so your arm/back fat doesn't show up? I don't have enough information to be totally honest so I will just say this. NEVER look better than your hostess,but don't insult her by showing up looking like a welfare wife! (honestly I have been a welfare wife and I borrowed pretty clothes for a dinner once! lol)

  12. absolutly nothing, naked is nature's way

  13. Do not wear anything controversial or vaguely sexual, including a strapless gown. To support your husband's career, dress as you would dress if he were to get a promotion and you were to be present as his wife at any event where he might be representing the company. Consider for example what you might have seen his boss's wife or the VP's wife wearing at such events.

    In general for formal social events, wear a below-the-knee silk dress, in an up-to-date fashion; with pearls and pearl earrings. Wear a cocktail dress and cut stones only if the dinner is held at a nightclub or at a fashionable restaurant of the sort that has a dance-floor (and even then dress conservatively).  Wear high-heeled shoes in a neutral colour, preferably with closed heal and toe, and made of good-quality leather; make sure that they show no scuffs or wear. Wear makeup, and apply it carefully (and in private! -- Do not refresh your lipstick or lipgloss at the table!)

    Wear the best **quality** you can afford, rather than the fanciest gown you can afford. Choose **style** rather than **fashion**. Pay attention to detail and have no smudges or hairs out of place. Look smooth, polished, and confident; and avoid "trying too hard". Your goal is NOT to *compete* with the other wives, but to rise above them.

  14. That sounds perfect! Maybe wear a pretty shawl over it if it gets cold, but otherwise it is great!

  15. Something classy and that you feel comfortable in.

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