
We have lots of frogs in our pond but no spawn last year or this, wot is going on?

by  |  earlier

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Three years ago it was full, its only small 4'x1', but there is all kinds of insects in it and plants, thou' it is in shadow for alot of the day due to a tree that is growing nearby, could it be water temperature?




  1. do you have these frogs as pets... i think it's cool having a frog for a pet

  2. any fish in the pond that would eat it or other creatures?.. You could try netting if you see spawn again its normally march time in the uk

  3. my pond is the same but i put it down to the fish eating it

  4. When their environment gets bad - frogs are the first to go. In the rain forests the different species of frogs are dying off because their environment is being destroyed. Check the ph of the water and correct and maybe they will come back. Check on google what correct ph is for frogs in your area.

  5. If it ever dried completely, possibly they died.

    Also pollution affects frogs badly, maybe someone poured something there.

    Get water analysis.

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