
We have nine balls which all look alike and which all weigh the same except one which weighs slightly less tha

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math question any ideas?




  1. put em in a box and shake them. the lighter one will come to the top ;)

    (but previous answer is best) :p

  2. what is the rest of the question?

    Something to do with finding the light ball?

  3. Divide them in groups of three.  Weigh the first two groups on a balance scale.  If they come out even, it's in the thrid group.  If not even, take the lighter group.

    That's measurement #1.

    Now, take two balls from the light group and weight them on a balance scale.  It the're the same, it's the unweighted ball.  If they are not the same, you know which one is lighter.

    That's measurement number 2.  You can't do it in any fewer moves.

  4. You've got nine balls, that's awesome.

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