
We have one of those pools that as you fill the sides go up.?

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Well it was slimey and yuckie so I emptied it and cleaned it really good. Then I refilled it and added chemicals 2 days ago. My kids are complaining it is still slimy. What do I need to do to stop this? Please help my daughter is having a party next week.




  1. You didn't mention what type of chemicals you put in.

    Go to a pool shop and get shock.  The shock treatment will kill most anything.  Follow the instructions.  Sometimes black fungus or yellow fungus are hard to get rid of.   That is what is making it slick.  THey sell fungus killer at the pool shop as well.

    You will probably want to empty the pool completely before letting the kids play in it as well.  

    Too keep it clean, you will need to add some chlorine.  You will need to determine how many gallons etc (more like ounces), to keep it clean.  Nevertheless you will want to drain the water periodically anyway.

    Good luck,

    EDIT to ADD:  You did use an abraisive scubber?  How long did you keep the shock in the water?  It will need to stay overnight.

  2. Think of all the dead skin cells, body oils, sweat and cosmetics - not to mention urine - that may be lurking in your pool. Shocked? You should be! "Shocking" a pool refers to using a chemical process called oxidization to break down water-soluble bather waste.

    Step1 Purchase pool-shock products from your local swimming pool dealership. Choose products according to the type of filter system you have. ("Shocker" is known by several names: oxidizer and burner are a couple of the more common ones.) Use the shocker that is suited to your pool system - non-chlorinated for non-chlorinated pools and chlorinated for chlorinated pools.

    Step 2 Use the proper amount of the shocker by reading the manufacturer's specifications. How much you use depends on the size of your pool. Most brands come in a quick-dissolving powder that is broadcast in the deep end of the pool.

    Step 3 Use your pool skimmer to help mix and distribute the shocker treatment and speed the oxidization process.

  3. ya bleach shuld do the trick

  4. my friend uses a little bleach in hers and says she doesn't have any problems with it

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