
We have optimum and one phone works , the computer works, and two phones don't.?

by Guest21317  |  earlier

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I woke up today to hear my portable phone ringing.

I made sure all the ringers were up on high, and they were, but only the portable rang.

[And our computer stills works]

Yesterday, everything was fine.

Does anyone know what happened?

Or what I can do to fix it?




  1. I need to understand how your phones are wired to your telephone cable modem device...

    Is the phone that is working directly connected to the modem, or is it connected to the inside wiring in your home?

    the cable company is not telephone technicians, and they (excuse me) suck at telephone wiring, and use cheap 99 cent store stuff...

    to me it sounds like one of the wires in your home feeding some of your jacks is broken somewhere...

  2. i don't really get what ur asking?

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