
We have really messed up homeschooling..can you give me advice?

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we started homeschooling in the 8th grade im now am almost finished the 10th grade and we haven't really done the work at all these 3 years...never finished the 8th grade but did most of it just made up the rest and went to the 9th and said this year im going to do it all and did about a month of work and made up the rest now i am about 4 months behind in the 10th grade please help me i want to go back to school next year and get all this fixed i have always had really good grades this really messed me up i don't want to have to start back in the 8th grade i need advice so i can be successful in the 11 and 12th grade then college...and yes i now this is a run on sentence im not that dumb




  1. You have to document everything and keep a log. Go back and reconstruct. And keep in mind that in public school.rarely do they finish the textbooks either. They pick the important stuff out first and do that.

  2. Talk to the guidance counselor or principal at the high school you plan on attending.  You said you did most of the 8th grade work.  You've also done some of your ninth and tenth grade work.  I'm not sure you'll be able to jump into 11th grade, but you probably won't have to go all the way back to 8th grade.  They may have some tests or something for you to take so they can place you at the appropriate level.

    I hope you learned something from this experience.  Good luck!

  3. well, the first thing i would do, is buy a couple tests and quizzes that a 11th grader would take, and then see how you do. if you do well, i dont see any problem in going to the school that you would like to attend. If your homeschool teacher has proof of your results on the test, it should be all good....

  4. Just because you didn't do the 'work' doesn't mean you didn't learn anything in those years between 8th and 10th grade. If you're old enough to be in 10th grade now you're old enough to be in community college. Get a grip and move on. Skip the rest of 'high school' and start taking community college courses. Staying on for two more years in high school will be a complete waste of time. Move on and get a real life and education. All you do in high school is satisfy the needs of the administration that is being paid to spin their wheels and yours. Move on to satisfy your own needs and to start getting a real education.

  5. Homeschooling isn't about how many hours you put into it, but the work you put into it.  For instance I meet with an accredited teacher every month on goals and things my children need to complete for the next month.  All my children have to do is meet those standards and if they exceed it then that's even better.  Now I usually elaborate and work in depth in each subject to make sure they take up whole days and long periods.  Due to the speedy learning abilities they could easily breeze through and be done each month within a week if I allowed them and didn't add to the materials.  

    If you're a quick learner and want to complete 11/12 grade with a high school diploma then you can do your work and complete and shouldn't have problems.  However if you're over 16 years old, and are just interested in college then I would suggest to study for the G.E.D. (which is the same basically as a HS diploma) and take that.  Anything you haven't learned, or are lacking in you may be forced to take more classes in college than others, such as if you've not kept up your algebra you may be forced to start in pre-algebra and work your way up.  I did my G.E.D. at 16 and so did my younger brother, here's the thing, you can't be a flake in college.  It's expensive to go and it brings your GPA (grade point average) down if you just don't do the work, or not attend the classes.

  6. I'm not sure why you think everything is messed up. How did you never finish the 8th grade? Are you doing some sort of online program? Or are you just homeschooling? What do you think it means to finish a grade in homeschooling? I've known of kids who never followed any particular curriculum, and certainly not the local school curriculum, who still nonetheless went to college. I know one young lady who was unschooled (she made all the decisions about her education), and she designed her own high school program, took a couple of college courses her grade 12 year, then went onto full-time college the year afterwards.

    All this to say that my biggest advice to you is to make sure you actually understand how it all works! You may be worrying about nothing. Let's say you are doing online or correspondence--well, 4 months behind still means finishing before school starts if you get yourself doing a little more than you ought to be each day. If you are doing some other program--prepackaged curriculum--then there's stuff you can probably leave out, or follow the same plan as above--speed things up and work through the summer. If you're not doing any of those, then you still just have to make yourself get through the necessary work.

    Your real problem will be if you go back to school for 11th and your school requires credits. You need to find out if they will recognize your work (even if you were doing online, unless it was a public school, they don't have to accept your credits) or if there's some way for you to earn the credits.

  7. The "work" is unimportant.  It is second place to learning.  You don't have to do a certain book or piece of workbook paper to be learning.  You are learning.  You know more now than you did in 8th grade. Measure what you learn, not what you write on some silly piece of paper.  You need a wider vision. The textbook is not the criteria for what you know.  Please understand that.

  8. work your *** off is about the only thing you can do

  9. You said you just skipped the rest, well to me it sounds like you skipped the busy work because you were able to more on. You would be stuck in math, read  and comprehension unable to move on if it wasn't busy work for you. I would suggest testing into college. It's free and will let you know where you are.

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