
We have serious environmental issues why are big business so dumb .?

by  |  earlier

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Why do big businesses including government Department's give fringe benefits of fuel subsidy two waste for employees .




  1. Sweetness, they are not "dumb", they are doing what every empire to date has done...power fogs logic & common sense, which in turn lead to the self-destruction of each of them.  At the same time, the Peoples of those empires stood idly by and watched it come to pass.  Militaries were abused, peoples put into weakened/complacent states, and no other priority is focussed on except power feed of the few.  Without strong People, businesses suffer, economy fails, ergo, powerheads have no one to feed them any longer, the Wholeness crumbles...same scenario, different time--sooo predictable!!!  You will evidence this in faulty leaderships of such intent in governments, corporates, and religious entities all over this Earth orb.

    Good Journey!!!

  2. Well i think it is very clear! they are down right selfish. All they think about is money and it does not matter to them if future generations have no resources or if the world is so polluted that they can't breathe.

  3. Today's corp business operate in the here and now . There is no concern for tomorrow . It's todays bottom line .

  4. they are not dumb - they just dont care ;)

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