
We have the north pole melting, how can you not believe in global warming?

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The south pole is melting to but not as fast.




  1. You seem to believe that this is something new or unnatural.

    It is not the fist time, nor will it be the last!

    Does it seem strange to you that summers are warmer than winters?

    Even in the unlikely event that the entire Arctic ice were to melt this summer completely, it would not be a first time event.

    It also would have no effect on sea levels whatsoever.

    You would find more polar bears living on land for a while.

  2. because, the NORTH pole might be melting, but currently   NOT the SOUTH or anything else, so how is global warming true?

  3. i do not think humans contribute to make a long explanation short the earth is always changing ,  always will , and has

  4. As a biologist who also studies Paleoclimatology, yes there is Global Climate Change; but it is not caused by human activity. As Gore said in his movie, the earth "breathes". And so if you look at the climatological record over the past 100,000 years, you will see that we are right on track for being in the middle of an interglacial maximum in the larger picture of "inhale and exhale".

    During Glacial Maximums (Ice Ages) and Interglacial Maximums (Warm Periods) there are intense fluctuations, and what you might consider erratic behavior of the climate. In the mid-1970s we were entering another Ice Age, now it's Global Warming. It's a veritable roller coaster.

    The North Pole has melted before. But at the same time that the Arctic Ice Sheet is receding (dramatically, it seems), the Antarctic is getting colder and colder, increasing the pack ice over the South Pole. Some say that is due to increasing temps in the waters around Antarctica, thus increasing evaporation and increased snowfall; but why are the temps decreasing?

    One last note of major importance:

    Our north pole ice cap is shrinking, and that's a fact. But so are the polar caps on Mars. Are all those greenhouse gases being blown out to Mars by the Cosmic Wind?

    Check out this story in National Geographic. It is about a single scientists, but many scientists agree with this idea, and you never hear of them because the media covers it up.

  5. Because the North Pole is never going to stay exactly the same!  For it to melt it had to freeze in the first place didn't it?  And we don't actually know how much that cycle has happened over the last few thousand years, let alone millions.  We get data from about 50 years and then think we know what's happening to the earth??!!  Talk about neurotic and self-important.

  6. Its not a matter of believing in global warming or not... the argument is the what is the cause.  The north side of the planet is getting hotter, but the south side is not.  Not to mention that Mars is getting warmer too for some reason.

    Geological evidence shows that temperatures rose and fell in the time of the dinosaurs too.  

    The Romans were growing wine in England in thier past.

    The Vikings didn't call it Greenland because it was covered with ice.

    Temperature goes up and down.  Its just a fact of nature and a contributing factor to Dawinism.  Its why some species in the history of the world adapted, and others died off.

  7. Interesting that the North Pole is melting at the same time underwater volcanoes are having massive explosive eruptions directly beneath the pole.

  8. The arctic ice cap used to extend to what is now the NY/PA border.  It's been melting ever since.

  9. People who are in denial about global warming don't care about science or facts.  They'll just claim the warming and melting are natural, even though that's clearly not the case.  The nature of denial is that you can simply ignore the facts that prove you wrong.

  10. actually the n pole is indeed melting but spreading then freezing again. al gore is proud of u dude for freaking out for him

  11. I personally don't believe in global warming. If you look back through history through soil samples, the earth has frozen over, thawed out and became very warm, and refroze many times. It's a natural cycle. And man kind hasn't existed long enough to see these cycles take place. For the last couple thousand years we've been coming out of a frozen cycle (the last Ice Age) and are entering a warm cycle. That's all there is to it. A couple interesting facts : antarctica (while in it's current position) once had a tropical climate, a super storm occured long ago (like from the movie Day After Tomorrow) and really froze mastadons so fast that they still had food in their mouths when they were unburried, and the Earth's magnetic fields (North and South) weaken and trade positions every 10,000 years. When that happens, compasses will point south, not north. I think the poles are starting to change, also. It would explain why more and more migratory species of birds and other animals, like whales, become disoriented and don't know where to go.

  12. Global Warming is a scientific fact.

    The earth goes through normal cycles of freezing and warming up.

    HOWEVER, the human race's excessive carbon emissions are speeding up the process.

    Global Warming is a normal process. It happening this fast is not.

    I don't know how someone could just flat-out deny all the evidence that scientists have.

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