
We have the technology to make cars that run without fuel so why don't the car manufactures make them?

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We have the technology to make cars that run without fuel so why don't the car manufactures make them?




  1. Because there is no market for them.  And you don't mean "without fuel" since any engine requires SOMETHING to fuel it, you mean without gasoline.

  2. The World Economy is based on oil, take that away and the system falls apart

  3. Basically auto makers are weary of new technology.  Some of them have been making cars this way for 100 years.  They know this works and that might work.  But greed is the big motivating factor.  Newer technology is usually more expensive and the car makers don't want to put large amounts of money into something that might not be working in 2 years and have to replace or they can't sell.

    If you're referring to electric cars the big problem is that the business model is threatened.  car makers make a lot of money on replacement parts and service which electric cars don't need.  Oil companies are in bed with the car companies.  The oil companies will loose out big time if cars no longer required fuel.  For example if you burn 10 gallons a week, that works out to 520 gallons a year, and at $4.20 a gallon, that is $2,184 that they didn't make, times 1 million americans.

    Watch the film "Who Killed the Electric Car" to learn all of the sickening details.

  4. http://weekack.water4gas.hop.clickbank.n...

    more info in this website. We can use water to replace gas in our car actually.

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