
We have to a project that being with thing with the letter x .?

by Guest32192  |  earlier

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We have to a project that being with thing with the letter x .?




  1. Hi

    One of my students favorite projects are the "X-Rays"

    We talk about xrays and what they are used for. We bring out the skelton and talk about bones. I bring in an old hand x-ray that I have at home (from a broken bone). We talk about how to keep our bones healthy (drink milk, etc.) We invite a doctor or radiologist to come in and speak..or visit a local hospital.

    I have the children trace their hands on black construction paper with white or colored chalk. Then I have them glue their bones (Q-Tips) onto the paper. Some children are so neat about it..other's bunch the Qtips together...But the Q-tips are the bones ..(and they really look like them to). We talk about casts (one family donated an old cast to us...he only needed to wear it for a day..before he had another one put on..we removed the cotton and wrapped the children up in cotton then had them try it on).

    we sang the neckbone is connected to the shoulder bone..etc.

    We hid clean/sanitized meat bones in the sand table

    We then talked about fossils later in the week...which lead to dinosaurs and dog bones...

    just an creative...

  2. xylophone

  3. I may be able to assist you, but I do not understand the question that you asked.  Do you have to do a project with things that begin with the letter X ?

    Such as X-ray and Xylophone

  4. I guess it depends if you want to do one on just a single topic, (a very basic study on how X rays work would be neat, interesting to kids) or a compilation of things (use colourful photos to demonstrate each thing, and little captions beside them telling a little about it). This page gives kind of an example of some choices teachers have used:

    Don't ask me what a Xiaosaurus is lol.

    Of course if it can be a word that contains X instead of begins with it, you've got a lot more to work with, such as "Exit", "Excalibur", "Excellent" or "Existentialism" LOL

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