
“We have to be more consistent," says Chicago White Sox first baseman Adam Dunn

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“We have to be more consistent," says Chicago White Sox first baseman Adam Dunn
The Chicago White Sox first baseman Adam Dunn is fairly happy about his team’s recent performances but still he is pushing them hard and telling publically that they all as one unit need to work hard and play more consistent in the coming days.
Dunn, who recently appreciated his team-mate Jake Peavy’s encouraging remarks on their win over the Cubs’ in the last game of the three-match regular series encounter, is also quite hopeful for their recent future.
“I think if you ask anybody in the clubhouse, they’ll tell you we have to play better than we have the last week and a half. It’s just the fact of the matter. And I’m speaking of myself, too, of the games I’m losing. I have to find a way to win those. It’s frustrating losing the series, We lost three in a row now, and if we want to be a first-place team, there’s no excuse. I don’t mean any disrespect, but a team playing the way the Cubs have been playing, we got to beat those teams.” Peavy said in detail.
Both White Sox players are also playing well. They are showing great resilience on their respective end.
Peavy who is playing with 2.74 ERA along with 6-3 win loss record, knows his potential role with the team.
While Dunn who is hitting with .225, has also smashed 23 home runs so far and also proving a productive player for the White Sox.
Some experts believe that both these senior players know the current level of their team’s effort for post season qualification and to give little push, these two are stating in the media for further improvement.
The Chicago White Sox currently at second position behind the American League Central leaders Cleveland Indians with 36-33 win loss along with .522 winning percentage.
Though they are going smooth into the playoffs but still their management is not satisfied with the recent defeats against some minor franchise.
On the other hand, the recent encouragement from two senior players, the White Sox inexperienced players certainly will get something positive points from it.



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