
We have two Hot Spots Russia/Georgia actual shooting war with US interest, Iran/Israel US Interest.

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This is no time for Inexperience, This is no time to stand in front of

200,000 drunks and make fluff an stuff rhetoric and metaphoric BS.

This is a time to consider taking on a country with 70,000,000 million

people and the Old Soviet Union. I personally don't want some sorry

azz rookie to make that decision. Whats your thought America.




  1. Nor would i want a fruitcake like Bush making that decision, but hey, i'm just English & were in the middle as usual. Bet we get dragged in though.

  2. Do you truly think it would be a good idea to have a Trigger happy has been wore hero who would shout at a flash back of Charley?  

  3. of course this war in interests of America,but Russia will battle up to the end...

  4. We cannot allow an mine-shaft gap!

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