over the weekend, a friend and i went to this party at her friend's house. it was like eight guys and us two girls and they had been drinking for a while before we got there. long story short.. i met this kid and we really hit it off. in the end, we hooked up and one thing led to another and we had s*x. the next morning it wasn't awkward or anything and he was so sweet.
but after we drove away my friend said she heard his friend say he had a girlfriend! and i just about died. i felt so sick and i had no idea, but i guess that was also my bad for not caring to get to know him that well..
the thing is, he even added me on facebook and my friend said before he did his status was in a relationship but now it's single. we're still talking and i'm just so confused. i don't know what this means at all. i don't know if he had a girlfriend to begin with or that he broke up with her after the weekend. or am i just some chick? i can't read him at all. :( please help ! :D