
We hooked up and i think he cheated ?

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over the weekend, a friend and i went to this party at her friend's house. it was like eight guys and us two girls and they had been drinking for a while before we got there. long story short.. i met this kid and we really hit it off. in the end, we hooked up and one thing led to another and we had s*x. the next morning it wasn't awkward or anything and he was so sweet.

but after we drove away my friend said she heard his friend say he had a girlfriend! and i just about died. i felt so sick and i had no idea, but i guess that was also my bad for not caring to get to know him that well..

the thing is, he even added me on facebook and my friend said before he did his status was in a relationship but now it's single. we're still talking and i'm just so confused. i don't know what this means at all. i don't know if he had a girlfriend to begin with or that he broke up with her after the weekend. or am i just some chick? i can't read him at all. :( please help ! :D




  1. so....he's horny, and you have p***s-breath. what else is new??

  2. Either way, you're still just some chick.  He may be single now, but the fact remains that he wasn't single while he was having s*x with you.  If you can deal with that, by all means, keep talking to him.  If you can't, move on and don't look back.

  3. Your messed up  

  4. What is wrong with you nasty *** people today? You just go around and sleep with any and everybody. Next thing you will be saying is "One thing led to another ...and I got AIDS"!!!!!

  5. look, ill be honest. any girls who you just meet and had s*x with is just that some girl. you are a piece of *** to him and he wants to keep you around. you like him and he likes you body so as long as he gets his he will keep you around.  

  6. Thanks for answering my question...x

    Well honestly i think you should email him through face book and just ask him did he have a girl friend at the time. If he said yes then i would advise you to stay away from him. If he said no then just start chatting to him and see how things go!


  7. Ummm all you can really do is ask, but it doesnt mean he will tell you the truth otherwise just ask around and see what you find out.

  8. yur a pig

  9. Maybe he broke up with her.

    And it's funny that you don't feel bad about being a little S****y (sorry). It seems you only have selected morals when it suits you.

    But just to offer some advice, if he did have a gf you shouldn't feel bad, cus you didn't know

  10. sorry but i think your just some chick. plus would u want him as a boyfriend knowing he did that to his ex? and was that easy? trust me i got with a girl that i easily slept with.. trust it wasnt a good relationship

    can you answer mine please?;...

  11. its messed up for him to have done that with you while he had a gf.. but then again he could have already been broken up with her while no one knew about it... you dont really know the whole story. the only one who could possibly know is him and maybe his closest friends and his ex gf.. so just go along with it, and the truth will come out.. just don't get your feelings tied down too tightly yet.

  12. From what I have read you are just some other girl. He has a bad rap. I know you made a mistake but you should learn from that and move on. Life is a learning process. Just learn from this and move on to someone that you can trust. I am not saying you can't talk with him and be friends but don't go any farther then that.

  13. i'm having a party this weekend at my apt, you should come!

  14. First, you didn't cheat, so if guilt is floating around your mind somewhere, tell it to take a hike.  

    Right now, you are unsure of your status with him and will need to find out in the next two or three weeks what he thinks of you.  All you know is that someone who may be his girlfriend exists--you don't know if they were breaking or broken up when you met him.  You also don't know if he plans on keeping her and seeing you.  As I see it you have two choices--decide that he isn't worth the drama and don't call him, or wait and see where he is trying to drive your relationship--is he taking you nowhere or making you his girlfriend?  

  15. hey, i'm his girlfriend and you better stay away from him.

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