
We humans originated in Africa, so does that mean we have a strong blood tie with africans?

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so it was africans who helped build the world civilization




  1. that is believed to be the original spawn of the first humans which scientifically believed was millions of years ago. so i don't think we're that closely related to africans.

  2. Probably.....

  3. As far as we know now, yes.

  4. Absolutely!  We are all just mutated Africans.

  5. All people are descended from Adam and Eve, and more recently from Noah and his wife.

    Evolutionists try and tell us we evolved out of Africa - they are entitled to their point of view, but that doesn't make it right.

    In any case, we are all fairly closely related.

  6. Actually...

    Your premise is unproven and is limited to speculation and theory.

    But... if you are proven right, I have no problem assigning the building of the worlds civilization to Africans.

    Could we then assign the worlds failures to the same source?

    It's interesting that Mitochondrial DNA was traced backwards and we all share ancestry to a very limited number of people.  This fits nicely with the Bibles version of Noah and his family after the flood.

    God Bless you, In the loving name of Jesus Christ.

  7. True, but not the way you are thinking. Humans came from Africa, how do you know which parts of Africa? Maybe north Africa, Egypt? What is the point if the question? Is there something you are trying to prove?

  8. Race only accounts for like .01 percent in DNA. Therefore all races are about equal in "blood". Some people believe that humans originated from Africa, while others believe in creation by God or gods. Let's not get those kinds of stuff into the public domain. We are all equal.

    By the way, the world "civilization" did not start in Africa, as humans started as hunter-gatherers(which means no civilization since no permanant settlement). The first civilization occured in the Middleeast area around modern day Iraq around the Tigris.

  9. Yep.  DNA has proven every person on earth came from a single African mother who lived some 160,000 years ago.

  10. The rest of the world has close blood ties to Africans from the horn of Africa, mostly we are a subset of the DNA you find there. Not so closely related to West Africans and the Bushmen/Khoisan of Southern Africa.

    If you do a bit of research, it turn out that most civillisation originates in Turkey and the Far East, nothing came out of Africa but people.

    Metalworking, writing, agriculture, ceramics, writing, cloth all started elsewhere, mostly in places like Japan, Korea and central/Southern Europe and Iran. So far Africa hasn't taken the gold medal for any discovery. Some Neanderthal sites show things like mining and music at an earlier date than in Africa.

    That guy ranting abut the original North Africans being black... maybe before the white Bebers moved in 20,000 years ago.

    Caucasians show up in North Africa about 20,000 years ago when they replaced the Aterian cultures along the North coast of Africa. A few of the ancient Natufians (Israel/Palestine) show some alveolar prognathism, and this has been misunderstood as meaning they were black. They weren't. Europeans used to be more prognathic in prehistory, they weren't some bunch of black Africans that suddenly stormed up into Israel. It's just a trait that Europeans lost as our jaw size reduced.

    Hannibal... was the son of a Spanish mother and a Phoenician father, they were also known as the Canaanites, a Semitic people related to Jews and Arabs, not black Africans. His life and family are pretty well documented.

  11. Humans built world civilization.

  12. "Lil Jay Chou" you're wrong.  Check out the real dates for the building of the Sphynx.  It's a lot older than ANY monuments in the Middle East.  Furthermore, in order to take on a building project of that magnitude, THERE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE BEEN PERMANENT SETTLEMENT WAY EARLIER THAN THE SPHYNX WAS BUILT.  FURTHERMORE, THE OLDEST CALENDAR WAS CREATED BY AFRICANS AND DATES FROM THE END OF THE 5TH MILLENIUM B.C.  PERMANENT SETTLEMENT HAD TO DATE TO LOOOOONG BEFORE A CALENDAR COULD BE CREATED.

    "Tom K," you're right.



  13. For Gods sake, Hannibal and the Phoenicians weren't black. Were do black Americans get these weird ideas from? They were the same as people from the middle East now.

    And like h**l did they create civillisation. Egypt a/ wasn't black, and b/ wasn't the discoverer of things like writing and farming anyway.

  14. Anyone who denies it can keep it  up, but the African blood still pumps through their veins!  And the more they say no, the more powerful it grows until they wake up and find..........................they......... become.......AFRICANS! So do their kids. Those who say NO the most are always the most close to Africans.

    But I like Africa because it is such a pretty continent and God made it first. God made everybody, but Africans were first.

    Lots of other Holland girls feel the same. We are going on a trip to Djibouti this summer and .........we might return ..............AFRICANS! Nice donuts.

  15. MAMA.....DADA

  16. There is a belief that we are out of Africa, but this is not necessarily so. There is a lot of evidence for Europe having the oldest human remains. If you want to read up on it I can help, if you get in touch .

  17. This is one of the theories about the evolution of mankind.  This is called the "Noah's Ark" theory - that humans first evolved in African and then migrated to other parts of the world.  The second theory is called the "Candelabra" theory.  This states that though humans first evolved in African, they simultaneously developed in the rest of the world soon after.  Their is convincing genetic evidence for both arguments, and until more archaeological sites are found, there we are at a stalemate.

  18. Yes, all people are from Africa.

    And human civilization began in Africa, as well as in Mesopotamia. All along the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates civilizations sprouted up because it was a great place to build civilizations, water source= nearby animal populations, it's easy to farm in the area, plus wild (naturally occurring) fruit trees and vegetables are abundant.

    Here are some sources on early African civilizations.

    These will talk all about ancient African civilizations, it seems that you are very interested in them.

    As for all people having a strong African blood tie, I would say it varies. The further away people got from Africa, the more they changed physically---because their bodies had to physically adapt to a different environment and diet.

    The earliest people were Ethiopians. But not all  people look like Ethiopians. Yes we all haves eyes, a nose, hair, etc. But eye color, hair color, skin tone, and more changed. Look at people from every continent, and then look at various populations in each country. Then after you look at countries, look at the populations within the cities, and the small towns and villages in those countries. The actual amount of phenotypes in this world is incredible. I do not believe physical change, upon leaving Africa was slow. It was rapid, and people's hair, skin tones and eye colors  and eye shapes adapted  dramatically. It had to be fast because a person's diet can physically change how one person's offspring look in a single generation.


    Person A and person B are tropical people. Person A and B were very small boned-light weight, vegetarians, with a brown skin tone. The husband was 5ft8 and the wife was 5ft3. A and B died before the children reached 5 years of age and their children were somehow adopted by a  nomadic meat eating tribe. All the meat eaters were very tall, the women averaged 5ft 10 and the men averaged 6ft3. They raise the orphans on a meat diet, and consequently the children grow up taller and more robust than the original parents, the children (regardless of s*x) are all  5ft7 inches with more defined muscles. ANd if the tribe who took in the orphans live in a hotter climate, and because of this the orphans develop even darker skin tones because the skin is making more melanin.  Then when A and B's children grow up, they marry the meat eaters and have children .  And the next generation gets taller too, and looks physically different from the ex-orphan generation Then their kids intermarry with the tribe too, and their kids look like a mixture. This is an example of social and genetic assimilation, as well as physical adaptation. It only takes one, sometimes 2 generations to change the phenotype of one group of people.

    People will develop less melanin in their skin in cold climates. And in maybe 3 generations or more, can go from being tropical looking to looking European. Diet can change people's height, weight, lead to disease or physical maladies(like gout, diabetes, anemia, etc.),  prevent disease, and change hair color, skin tone, and physical appearance in general.  High starch diets with low protein can lead to rectangle shaped bodies in men and women, apple shaped body types arise from only eating diets high in starch and sugar , no protein. Hourglass body types (where the shoulders are the same width as the hips with a defined waist) develop with diets that are balances in amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants. This is seen in women who are getting narrower waists, fuller bust lines, and more defined hips in once impoverished Asian areas, who are getting better nutrition. Leg length has also greatly increased, as well as height among these Asian male and female populations. On average, now Asian females have longer legs than white American females and are equally as tall as American white females. Average Asian females now have a 32  inch (or greater) hip to heel measurement, average American white women have a 27 inch hip to heel measurement. African women and women in Northern Europe have the longest leg measurement. Average African women have at least 35 inch hip to heel measurements, while Northern Euro women are 34 inches. African American women used to be 36 inches, but poor diet and has shortened the leg length buy about 3 inches and increased the torso length by 3 inches on average.  In general poor diet can make waist lines expand, limbs get too truncated, etc.

    Not everyone looks the same or needs to look the same. People are very diverse,  in general.  Diet does not have any corrolation whatsoever with eye shape,  hair texture, and other physical traits.  But all people should be allowed a healthy diet for disease prevention.

  19. be careful you are going to freakout all the racist and the christians!!

  20. This doesnt make sense. Of course we have a blood tie with Africans, what do you think white people and black people evolved from seperate species?

  21. Historically the test for closeness is the ability to produce genetically viable offspring. Since that is clearly the case as relates to all major "races" yes, we Europeans have strong, very strong, genetic ties to Africans.

  22. You know how all cats are cats no matter what their colors or shapes or sizes?  Same with humans.

  23. that's the current belief, soon to be replaced by yet another theory.  And by the way, Africa wasn't Africa as we know it - there existed one one huge land mass which because of plate tectonics - separated forming the land masses we're more familiar with.  Think about it - if it were the Continent we now know as Africa, don't you think it would be a bit tricky - way back then - for people to start migrating across great oceans?  And why would they?  What would they be seeking?  How did they develop the knowledge to cross oceans?  How would they know there were other land masses to land on?  It's all pretty absurd.

    BTW, if humans originated in Africa, then we're ALL Africans.  Even the Asians.

  24. We are all humans. We all have a strong blood tie to each other.

  25. all people have 99.9 percent of there dna in common with the rest of the world

    (and 50 % with this worm thing)

    so yes we have a strong blood tie

    and yes they were the start of civilization

  26. Well yes,but as soon as some groups of humans left out of Africa from the 2,000 or so group that came from East Africa during the so-called mental 'Great Leap Forward',it still doesn't mean evolution stopped at that point,for when a casual glance will surely show U the human races are really more sub-species,meaning that they belong to the same species in that they can still interbreed with each other,but still have variations of a theme. Charles Darwin proved this when he visited the Galapagos Islands with his study of finches.

  27. Hannibal the afar. You need to get a real education, not African American Studies! What unsupported rubbish! By the way, Hannibal was of Phoenician ancestry.

    All humans arose in Africa. This means we are all one species with population variance.

    All humans have strong genetic similarity as we are a " small " species genetically. We went through a bottleneck effect about 70,000 years ago.

    Lil, you are way off.

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