
We just found out today that my dog's kidneys are failing and she is rapidly losing weight.?

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I recently found this out today. I am very sad to hear the news, but i have one question for you guys?

How long does she have to live?

Thank you.




  1. I am sooooo terribly sorry for you and of course HER!  

    It will depend on how badly they have failed already, eg, acute or chronic.   A blood test will determine the level of toxicity in her blood as the kidneys are not filtering correctly.  It is a slow and painful death , please dont put her through it unnecessarily.  In her last day/hours she will be very still , and wont drink or eat and yelp if she moves or you move her.  It broke my heart to have to put down my little guy when it happened to him but it was peaceful and painless, far better than the suffering.  I am so sorry there is no nice answer, I would dearly have loved someone to tell me they can do a kidney transplant but they just dont for dogs.. d**n shame as I so would have paid for one!  

  2. I'm so sorry about your doggy.

    Your vet is the one to ask as your vet will know more about how advanced the condition is and whether it would be better for your dog to put her down so she doesn't suffer.  

    When we had a dog put down in March, we got a vet to come out to the house so he was put down in the sunshine on grass in a peaceful place.  if it comes to that, please consider a home-euth.

  3. I'm afraid if she's already rapidly losing weight, the answer might be as little as a month, up to a few months.  I'm sorry for your news.

  4. every case is different to different animals.

    a vet would know the best answer.

    just treat her like royality.

    all you can do is make the best of the situation and try to make it better.

    and pray.

    good luck

  5. Please don't let her suffer.If her kidneys are failing, she is losing quality of life.. I know all too well how very hard it is to make that decision, but I have had to do it. I loved them enough that I didn't want them to have to live and suffer just to be alive. Grief is the price we all pay for love.

  6. It really depends how bad your dogs kidneys are. My jerk of a vet kept telling me with my girl that if we kept having fluid treatments done that were vastly expensive she could have as much as 2 years good quality life left. One at the very least. After 2 months she was having seizures and in a very bad way so we had to let her go. I do know people who have kept dogs going with a pretty decent life for 6-12 months. They were not as bad as my Missy. My present vet said he would have never even suggested treating Missy from her ultrasounds as it was obvious to him she was beyond helping. The person I relied on to guid me was only interested in what money he could make. I hope yours is more honest.

    You need to sit down with your vet and talk things over. Ask him how long he thinks she has. Would the fluid treatment truly help your dog they way we were told they would help ours? If they would and you can afford it then it would be worth it as long as they gave her good quality of life. Your vet is the only one who can really answer your question.

    I will be sending a prayer for you and your dog. I have walked in your shoes. It's not a nice path to tread. I wish you many happy days with your pet. Please though as soon as the quality of life starts to fade for her sake and for yours let her go. It will break your heart to loose her, but it will also break your heart to see her suffer. Sometime we have to take their pain so as they no longer suffer.

    One piece of advice. Take lots of pictures of her while you still can and make as many precious memories as you can. They will help you more than you can ever know when her time is over.

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