
We just got a hamster...a friend gave it to us...but he has been scratching..and we noticed he has sore ears..

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We just got a hamster...a friend gave it to us...but he has been scratching..and we noticed he has sore ears..




  1. Hi,

    It may have mites try taking it to the vets and see wot they have to say bout it.  Hpe this helps.x

  2. most likely mites he might also start loosng hair if it doesnt get treated soon enough

  3. it may have a skin infection or mites....

    This can happen when it gets left in dirty conditions for long periods of time...

    Or it may just be stressed because of the changes in home....

    Is it drinking and eating ok?  if it is not...then it could be something serious and needs to see a vet...

    What bedding has it been kept on? have you changed this?

    Its popular to keep small animals on sawdust...but this can cause irritations and respiratory problems...

    How old is it? as during old age hamsters can become quite bald...

    Does it live with any other animals?

    Just in case I suggest that each time you touch the animal or cage you wash your hands well before touching any other animals...

    Hope this helps a little

  4. It mite have mites, get some powder to treat it.

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