
We just got some local eggs-why are some longer and skinnier than store bought?

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We just got some local eggs-why are some longer and skinnier than store bought?




  1. Every chicken is different, and they all produce different eggs.

    The store bought chicken eggs are mass produced, weighed, measured and all that. They throw away the ones that aren't perfect, or they are given a lower grade and sent to be used in processed foods.

    They will also probably not all be grade A eggs. Some will probably have "blood spots," which actually do not mean that the eggs were fetilized and no good for eating. Bakeries use the eggs with blood spots in cakes and things, so it's ok to eat them. You may also get eggs with double yolks and stuff like that. They're all fine, and you can eat them.

    In grocery stores, it's all about the image. People like their food to be uniform and perfect, but in nature, things just aren't that way. So if you buy eggs that are not from the store they will all look different, but they are actually healthier for you, and the chickens are probably treated better as well.

  2. Mom-of-1 is right. Plus, in our area, they're way cheaper!

  3. Different Quality Of Chickens

  4. Commercially produced eggs are examined for consistent color and size.  Range free chickens locally raised do produce better eggs by far.  You will notice their yolks are richer in color and taste so much better.  I don't have any local producers near my suburb, so I just get my free range eggs at Whole Foods--the next best thing.

  5. Factory farms sort thousands of eggs a day by size and shape any odd looking ones go into prepared foods, so people don't see them. Buying local eggs are a close to nature as you can get.

  6. Because they aren't mass produced to be exactly the same.  Fresh eggs are so much better.  We get them all the time.  You will enjoy them.

  7. The chickens aren't stuffed in miniscule cages and fed hormones...instead they run free and come in contact with nature, which surprisingly makes a huge diefference.

    Our neighbor always brings us eggs for free, and they're delicious.

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