
We just had our lawn sprayed for chinch bugs. The person who looked at it said we probably caught it in time.?

by Guest60421  |  earlier

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It has been about 4 days & there seems to be still a lot. How long before this kicks in. I understand it is a systemic insecticide. We didn't water for the time they said 36 to 48 hours but it has rained quite a bit since. How can we prevent this next year? Besides the type of grass, does the weather increase pops. Do you think we need to spray again ourselves? They definitely used enough chemical because you could smell it for 2 or 3 days. Thanks for anybody's help in advance.




  1. It takes longer to see results from a systemic insecticide, versus a contact spray, but fortunately, the benefits last much longer.

    To prevent this from happening next year, treat your lawn with a systemic insecticide (Bayer complete insect killer is a good one) next spring before the bugs become a problem.  By the time the bugs come out, the plants will be ready, with the insecticide already inside them.

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