
We keep hearing about CIA and MI5 computers picking up Emails and Phone calls and Texts.What do they look for?

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These devices seek out certain words and phrases.

What words do you thing would trigger an alarm?

Something like:

"Hi Hillary,last night was the best! x*x Barack."

Or perhaps:

"Maggie Thatcher and Prince Philip? If I hadn't seen the tape I wouldn't have believed it"

Can you think of any "Trigger phrases"?




  1. Yeah. Type in "I've got loads of money" and inside a week you'll get pulled by cops while your driving and fined for one thing or another. Like one inch of the tread on one tyre is .000000000003 worn past the legal minimum or something. Or you had birdshit on your screen and it was blocking your view making you a dangerous driver. Doing 0.2 mph UNDER the legal speed limit and obstructing traffic or 0.2 mph OVER the speed limit and speeding is another favourite with them. If the government gets wind you've got a bit of money to play with they send out their errand boys in uniform to get some off you.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    In wasting time listening to little children's ghostly stories.

    It's just on auto.

    As reference of Mr. Big Brother.

    If there is " One flew over a cuckoo nest"

    Will see any left-over eggs left behind.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  3. Your call or text "may" get recorded if it includes key phrases such as "terrorist", "bin laden", "Al Qaeda" or PM/Presidential names. Bare in mind though, that they are also looking for spies, too, so certain keywords that should only be known by a few will also be looked for. The conversation or text will then be given a grade, and depending on the grade, may be listened to by a real person. Certainly not all calls recorded are listened to by a real person, it completely depends on how the computers algorithm grades the call/text.

  4. It is indeed a very interesting topic.

    There are indeed trigger words and prases which if found in one of the random samples deploy a further filter on the source.

    Often "terrorists" will talk using "codewords", which unknown to them are often known to the authorities and are the key words that the filters are programmed to detect.

  5. You don't need to use words like terrorism, guns or anything. Innocent words or phrases can trigger them to look in. This is according to an ex MI5 officer. No I haven't read the book, but it sounds interesting.

  6. Words like




  7. The telecommunications interceptors here in UK are at GCHQ [Government Communications HQ] Cheltenham.

    GCHQ Targets gamers for next generation of interceptors.

    All telecommunications here in UK is monitored and has been since WW2.

    What the interceptors are looking for are 'buzz words' - these are words which betray an individual.  For example, stock words and/or phrases known to used by a given person.

    There are probably lots of other ways of determining who is making the call and why.

    Al Qaida are known not to use mobile phones, however, those who serve their cause often do and as a result are often detected by such as GCHQ UK.

    So, if you want to avoid being eves-dropped, go into a very large field and speak to someone there.

    Eavesdropping, Wiretapping, Bugging and Bug Detection - Secrets ...Discover the true capabilities the surveillance eavesdropping devices sold over the Internet. See the best spy equipment in the world and learn about the ...

    You can even spy on your own neighbours - I do.

    Trust me, I'm a spy. . . .


  8. it would be many thousands of phrases mostly in arabic dialect, but others as well including english.  It would include known coded phrases, phrases from past communications and interrogations or asset information we recieve in realtime.

    The computer would intercept the message, assign a threat level based on call duration, orgination, termination, content, voice recognition and pattern matching to known suspects........then it passes it on to a level 1 or higher analyst, who would further assess the communication and re-assign the threat level.  If the threat level is high enough, it gets makes it's way to the head of the CIA/ homeland security dept, and eventually the president on a need to know basis.

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