
We know who the umps are barracking for today. How many soft free kicks are given to Sydney?

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Too many free kicks are given for soft reasons. What is our great game coming too?




  1. Get over it WHINGER!

    The Swans have more legs, and Eagles have been run off their feet. They tried hard, but Swans are coming back.

    Having said that it's not over yet, but if the Swans do get up it will because they're the best team. NOTHING to do with umpiring.

  2. hmmmm I seem to remember the commentators referring differently in the 1st quarter. But anyway as a Swan's fan congratulations to WCE. What a great match it ended up. Both teams played courageously and in those circumstances the game is the real winner. Heads up Swans fans, we played well.

  3. Get over it yourself, rac!  Even the umps couldn't steal this one from the Eagles.  Thank God in heaven that Sydney didn't win another one...

  4. Yes i agree i have said it all along anyway the Swans can now RIP they are GOOONE by 1pt yes life is good

  5. Swans have been dealt with, whether by 100 or by 1, the important thing here rac is EAGLES WIN 2006 Grand Final.

    And Kev, what the h**l drugs you on? Umps give too many soft all year, not just to swans.

  6. go the bloods..................roflol

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