How can we lose more soldiers during the 8 years Clinton was in office & we weren't even in any wars then we have in before or after even when in two full scale wars? Obviously it goes to show how media on both sides are biased and pick & choose what they report. We had more terrorist attacks and as a result more civilian deaths then during recent years even though we were never at war during Clintons reign. We had Somalia but that wasn't a war nor on the level you could call Iraq, afganstan, or even grenada or Panama yet we still lost more troops in those 8 years then in the current 8 years even when you throw in non combat troops. And people want another inexperienced anti military anti patriot to lead? Judge for yourself. I knew we had more attacks and more civilians die during him then before or since but I didnt know that we also had more troops killed even without counting noncombat accidents & I knew he was a coward in protecting us, our freedoms, and our soldiers but I didn't know it was as bad as it seems but you judge for yourself. I vote for Pedro neither party should win.