
We may as well just stop listening to the news and give up?

by  |  earlier

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Labour have lied yet again - 'sorry, the figures were wrong.' Millions of people refusing to work, millions saying they're 'disabled' (yes, a lot actually are disabled, but NOT all of them).

Millions of migrants doing the jobs that welfare scroungers should be doing. People spending their whole lives from cradle to grave on welfare.

We can do nothing. The people pour in, the benefits pour out. The taxes go up (secretly, by stealth). More lies and deceit.

Labour just wring their hands and say 'What can we do?' Then they say 'We're getting tough.' Lie.

I think that I might just stop worrying about it all, stay away from the big cities and let the horror just happen.

What else is there to do?




  1. What makes you think that politicians are competent?

  2. What about Cornwall The tradition is long. Lie to me once shame on them lie to me twice and shame on me. Its getting so that civilized man always has to resort to taking back their lives.

  3. Phone John Smeaton, he's a hero he'll batter the **** out of them, send them to Glasgow Airport

  4. This idea of welfare scroungers amuses me. If you think living on benefit is in any way a pleasant experience then you have never had the misfortune to have to do it.

    On the council estate I live on less than 20% of 21 year olds have ever had a permanent job! Everything is 6 month temporary contracts. Now even they are drying up because of the cheap migrant labour that will work cash in hand for next to nought.

    Under 25 benefit is £46.85. You try and run a home on that.

    If you are on incapacity benefit for over 6 months the rate goes up to £81.35. Not exactly a fortune.

    If you are made redundant at 55 you only have a 30% chance of ever working again!  Unless you have savings your home is probably going to be repossessed because you get no help with your mortgage for the first 9 months.

    Imagine having your home almost payed off, then because you canot find a job having it taken away from you and sold for a fraction of it's value. All the BS is interested in is the outstanding mortgage. They can put 1 ad in a paper then justify selling it for 40% of it's market value. The DWP who wouldn't give you any help to pay the £155 a month mortgage happily pay the £340 a month rent.

    I suggest you try living on £59.15 a week for two years. If you haven't had a breakdown, or taken ill because you can't afford to eat properly you are lucky.

    The amount of money wasted on "giro drops"  is astonishing.

    A single person gets £59.15

    A single mum with a kid gets 123.32 so a couple with 1 kid not living together get  ÃƒÂ‚£182.47 plus of course housing benefit and council tax benefit for two homes.

    If they decide to move in together then one housing benefir and council tax is saved. At least £74 a week less to be paid out in benefit.

    The couple now find that their joint income has dropped by £25-50 a week to £156-98. Are they going to move in together with that income drop?

    Yes there are some scroungers. A disabled chappie whizzing about on his bike selling his drugs . His partner says he has to because they and their 2 kids can't live on the £390 a week benefits they get..

    that gets me too, but the vast majority of claimants try as hard as they can to find work. When a government allows 12% of children to leave school unable to read and write properly you have to question where the blame lies.

    You want to make a difference? Get out there and spread the truth. Help people understand how Labour have lied and cheated. Explain how Labour has robbed their pension fund.

    Get Out and make sure we get rid of this corrupt bunch of thieves, liars, fraudsters and  murderers as soon as possible.

    Their level of integrity wuld disgrace a banana republic!!

  5. You cant just give up, that would give them the type of free rein they would love to have.

    We must hold them accountable to the highest degree, or we are the big losers.

  6. After a bad accident in 1994 - had to stop working in 1995.

    I`m on benefit, and if you think it is a life of ease. Then you live in a different world to me. The meagre benefit I pick up "once a fortnight" would probably make immigrants riot in the streets if they had it.

    I`ve worked all my life since the age 15 as well as serving my country in the Armed Forces.

    But in your eyes I am a scrounger....

    Grow up!

  7. Gordon useless Brown and his band ..... they make me mad... at some point in the future when there is no money left, and public services have ground to a halt  etc, maybe people will just see a c***k of daylight and stop voting for these morons ...  

    h**l in the meantime all I can do is turn the news off for my own sanity...

  8. listen to Rush Limbaugh for three hours every day.

  9. You could stop worrying,start smiling and start living life.Letting political stuff wreck your life isn't going to solve anything,at smile and chill!!!!!...relax,have life xx

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