
We need a bigger council house but the council say it will take a year how is this fair?

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there is 8 of us jammed into a five bedroom semmi detached house but we need a bigger houes because my mrs is having another baby and my son wants his girlfriend to move in as well with her baby but the council say that it will take ages to move us what can we do




  1. A five bedroom semi-detached house is pretty big already.  If you have six kids and a wife then presumably there's your double bedroom and then four other bedrooms for the kids.  I think most children have to share a room while they're growing up.  When your son is old enough to be having his own family with his partner then it is probably time for him to get himself a job and pay rent on a private property if he cannot get a council house.  There are fewer and fewer council properties available as many people decided to buy their own homes from the council.  Perhaps you could lend him the money for a deposit on a little 2 bed place near you.

  2. Wear a condom and stop having babies that you cannot afford and work harder to support your own family instead of expecting the rest of us to do it.

  3. . . . and the government owes you and your family because. . . . .

    be thankful for what you have and be patient or tell sonny and girlfriend to get their own place

  4. Plonker.

  5. Jammed!? In theory you all have a bedroom each, except two kids sharing, well, another two when the baby is born. Tell your son to get his own place or move in with his girlfriend, it would be silly to move in another two. My dad grew up with a family of 8 in a 3 bedroomed, one bathroom council house, think about that when it feels squashy

  6. what you complaining about? there are people in hostels and shelters just waiting for a house. The council prioritise, people with no house before those with quite enough rooms as it is. The council will allow 2 children under the age of 16 of the same s*x to stay in the same room, or two children under 8 of different sexes to share a room. so basically your house is quite big enough, i use to live in a house of 8 and we all managed to fit into a 3 bedroom house. Stop popping out sprogs or get a morgage!

  7. Do you know, sometimes I reckon some people here really mean what they say...

  8. wait !.....tough life

    use protection

  9. How about stop having babies until you can afford to house yourselves and all offspring!  

    The welfare system was designed to help those people, through no fault of their own, that were impovorished and had no-where else to turn - not somone who already has a 5 bedroomed house!


  10. So you are not incapacitated to work and you are still complaining about your benefits and housing?!! Unbelievable..... If you choose to have that many kids you should work to support them. I don't have kids yet, one of the reasons being I can't afford them. I work very hard to keep up with my mortgage payments for much less than £40K a year.... I am SICK TO THE TEETH of people like you. What  bl**dy joke you are. We pay our taxes so that lazy scroungers like you can reap the benefits. Great, man. Just great.

  11. There is a waiting list

    Why doesn't your son and his g/f  get a place of their own or move in her parents

  12. as Mayor For Life, Marion Berry once told a welfare mother when she complained that the state wasn't giving her a big enough house - STOP HAVING KIDS if you can't afford it.


  14. to start with stop having so many kids get of your backside and get a job i am sick of suporting people like you the trouble is you should not get so much money then you would have to work.why should the council give you a bigger house

  15. Get a life, you a sad person if all you do all day is sit and make up questions.

  16. Maybe you shouldn't have had more kids than you can  afford you disgusting sponger. My tax is keeping you and your kids. Maybe you should bet a job. I would love more kids but can't because we cannot afford them with 2 full time wages. It is people like you that have caused society to break down. And 8 people in 5 bedrooms is plenty big enough. We have 4 in 2 bedrooms in the house that we pay for with the money we earn.


    Erm, jealous of what exactly?!?

    That you are a complete sponger, stealing everybody elses tax money, and no doubt your children will all end up wasters just like you. Yeah right, i'm so jealous.

  17. How is it not fair? You're not the only one in the system. There are very few council houses as it is, with ever increasing dole dossers taking them over. You also have to realise that it was your own fault for not planning ahead and breeding like rabbits. I wish we'd get rid of this ridiculous socialist program, I'm sick and tired of my tax money going to pay for people with no common sense or brains. Why not get a JOB and rent/buy a house like the rest of us.

  18. you must be English, if you were a foriegner they'd have you housed  by now.

  19. my heart bleeds for you.  your son and his mrs will just have to sort themselves out, and you should have thought about your housing arrangements  before you got your mrs pregnant again.

    Its fair because there are plenty of people out there who need housing, you chose to change the size of your family so you'll just have to wait.

    Just saw your additional comments.....Youve got some nerve.  You telling me that my tax is paying for your whole family?  Thank god for the social reforms....youre gonna be MADE to work or start losing benefits.....

  20. Are you pulling our plonkers for effect?

    If there is any truth in what you say, then I suggest you start taking responsibility for your own circumstances.  

    From what you say, you chose to breed beyond your means .... as did my parents so 9 of us lived in a 3 bedroomed house while my dad did two jobs and my mum worked part time and while we wore jumble-sale clothes and went without stuff other kids had.  We got by and are stronger as a result.

    I actually suspect you are lying in your question which I find offensive.  It is no laughing matter and d**k-heads stirring up feelings make no positive contribution to a meaningful debate.

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