
We need a change in focus here... I want a vote?

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SHOULD WE BE MORE WORRIED OVER CONGRESSIONAL/SENATORIAL SEATS OR THE PRESIDENCY? Think about what each of the branches have the power to do, think about what powers the president has and what powers Congress has... and cast your vote




  1. congressional/senatorial because although they both hold about half and half of the power in the long run for like passing laws the congressional/senetorial branch(if it has majority) will be more powerful than the presidential branch

  2. The President has the power of persuasion, a world audience, beyond that Congress must overwhelmingly deny the President's will. Regardless of how corrupt, and mendacious the most inarticulate, b*****d in history can be ,his words can summon the most awesome powers from h**l, and as such he should be taken very seriously and has the ultimate responsibility.

  3. While Bush has been in office, he increased Presidential powers. If the folks in the branches underneath don't follow the program, they will be ejected or ignored. Just like Ron Paul and Kucinich were.

  4. You have a great point.  The congress/senate is where all the laws start.  The President can sign or veto, but everything has to go through congress and senate first.  This is one of the reasons nothing is getting done.  There is so much partisan politics going on that the people are getting nothing for their votes.  We (the people) are taking it on the chin because of this.

    We need to elect senators and representatives that will talk to each other, compromise, and work things out.  Otherwise we are stuck with another congress with a dismal 15% or less approval rating.

  5. We should be worried about the corruption and false values driving decision making in all of these positions and everywhere else in America.  We won't have better people in these positions until we work to build a culture that produces better people.

  6. vodka

  7. I think we should be most worried about the supreme justices that will be appointed by new president.  At least 2 of the seats will be reseated.  7 out of the 9 current supreme justices were appointed by republicans.

    Sorry, if for no reason other than that, I am voting for the party of the president that I want to appoint those seats, those are life time appointments.

    But point well made, everything starts locally insofar as politics.  ;)

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