
We need answers?is she prego?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my girlfriend were just wondering if anyone knows whats going on. lately her brest have been very hard- almost muscular. we have been sexually active and ma-by that has something to do with it. but we could use ur help very badly. we have taken numerious prego test and they all come up negitive but we think she might be. also her belly is harder and is starting to stick out




  1. Hard b*****s are not a sign of pregnancy. (when you're pregnant, they will get larger, and usually sore, the veins will be A LOT more noticeable, and areolas become darker) A pregnant belly doesn't start to show until after 12 weeks or so on thinner women. (Until that point, the uterus is still tucked behind the pubic bone!) If she was that far along, you two would already know. If the pregnancy tests are coming up negative, she's probably not pregnant.

  2. you could go to the doctor and get a better test thats 100% accurate

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