
We need help ...What shall we do? We want to go home.?

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We are currently working here in UAE with my friend, our agency in Philppines of which our present boss here in UAE is also one of the owner of the agency in PI, hired us as a secretary to work here. Our problem is since we came over here we suffered so much Emotional disorder because our boss keep on shouting and yelling on us, he said it is normal for him but for us it is not normal because he's using the words " **** you, stupid, i will kill you!, and many more bad words.

We are just new in this company (almost 2 mos) so it is normal for us to ecounter some mistakes. But the problem is he does not listen into any explanations,(perfectionist) he dont even have any consideration for us, we worked in his company 10 to 12 hours he doest even not pay our overtime and only 30 mins. breaktime.

He even force us to sign an agreement stating that he will send us back to PI and we will buy for our own plane tickets.

During that moment we were crying and trembling with so much nervous.




  1. Contact the Embassy of the Philippines in Abu Dhabi (or extension office in Dubai), and also the Philippines Overseas Workers office:

  2. You should not have to put up with this behavior. Allowing it only encourages it.

    What kind of contract do you have and what does it say about your quitting and returning to the Philippines?

    If you have to pay your own plane ticket home, it might be worth it.

  3. forget this a*****e you work for  keep in mind your country embassy or consulate  is there to help you in many case if you fear  for imminent  danger  they will repatriate you and since you have contact they will bill your employer  for the return flight

  4. sorry i wish i could do something. can you talk to your parents maybe they can help you or something? just be safe ill pray for u!

  5. Janel, you're in a dangerous position.  You need to leave.  If you have to buy your own tickets, so be it.  You need to quietly save your money and get out when you can.

    It is NOT normal for men to treat women (or employees) this way in Dubai or Abu Dhabi (I've been there more than a dozen times with the Navy).  The man you work for is abusive, plain and simple, and if this is the way he treats you after such a short time, it will get worse.

    Don't you dare, under any circumstances, let your passport out of your sight.  Keep it, and keep it hidden.  If at any time you find it missing, go to the embassy and request a replacement, and immediately notify them that you think it was stolen and that you might be in danger.

    I'm sure you know that, as a filipina, you ladies are often treated and looked upon as entertainment for men outside your country.  My wife said the same thing whenever she traveled.  She was a CPA in Makati, but when she traveled with me (an American) she was looked at as a hooker.  That's just the way the world is, and you deserve better.

    Keep your chin up and take care of yourself.  You have a lot more to lose than just your job.  Can you imagine what might happen if you end up in the home of one of these men with your freedom gone?


    I think you'll find the Philippine embassy in Abu Dhabi.  That's the center of government for the UAE.  The best cabs are usually at the hotels, they'll know where it's at (don't travel alone).

    Every time I went to Dubai, I met good-natured and generous people willing to help.  You're not in a bad country, you just work for an @sshole.

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