
We need some help, our own t.v. show

by Guest45324  |  earlier

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My friends and I have a great idea for a t.v. show. We want to put it into action soon and we need some help.

First off we want the camera work to be almost professional. If anyone has ever seen shows like degrassi or any shows pretty much on t.v., we would like our camerawok to be like that. YES we understand ebay is our best friend. Can anyone recommend any pacific brand of cameras that we can use to make this as best quality as possible? If so please tell us them.

Second we also need equipment. Like mics and lights however we don't know the brand to buy to make this the best. We also aren't sure about any other equipment we'll need so if anyone can tell me where to get the equipment and what type to buy that'd be great.

Third is some editing software, we were thinking we'd just use Windows Movie Maker or Sony Vegas but if there's anything that'll help this look more professional it'd be great.

Also if anyone could give me tips on getting this on t.v. i.e. like maybe The N or MTV or even smaller more local stations because it's a teen oriented project, that'd be great.

Please help us make our dream a reality!




  1. thanks Wayne back to you Garth

  2. Just do it.  Get your videocamera and tape 22 minutes.  Leave 8 minutes for commercials.  Sell it to the local tv station for $1 and they can show it at 3am as "filler".  YOu don't care.  Once you get your first show on tv, you are experienced and everyone will hire you. /

  3. Mini DV cameras are all pretty high quality nowadays. To make it better i suggest getting a 24 P camera , panasonic has a good one. The lighting will be really important in making the look of the piece professional or not. You can rent lighting and audio equipment, depending on your city, it should be pretty easy.

    Final Cut Pro is a great editing software that is used by pros and consumers alike.

    As far as gettign your work seen, get it made and then research to get it in the right hands - it can be done! Good Luck!

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