
We need to stop the kentucky derby!?

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tell me if u want to.

they shot eight belles last night cuz she broke her ankles!

this is horse abuse!! i dont care how long horse racing has been around i have my heart set on stopping it! tell me if ur in.

it is disgusting! why couldn't they give her off to a horse farm where they care for ill, hurt, and abused horses?! it's disgusting! do u fell the same way? we need to stop horse abuse. just give me a message to tell me u wanna help!

PLEASE HELP! thanx! :]]




  1. The damage to her ankles prevented her from being able to stand.  and was very painful.  The inability to stand and the fact that her skin was open allowing the possibility of infection  were the determining factors on euthanizing her.  Racing is not abuse.....Horses run all the time.   Oh.... they did not shoot her with a was an injection.

  2. it's a horse.  wat about poor kids in other parts of the world that die from disease?  should we stop letting poor people from having kids?  you are putting the value of a horse's life

    higher than that of a child's.  you are so full of compassion

  3. Rachel  .. I know what happen at the derby was very tragic and from the outside it may seem that these horses are treated unfairly but living in Ky and having been to many horse farms I can honestly say that you are SO wrong!! These horses are loved and cared for in a way that is unbelievable. Their barns are better then most houses their owners not only bond with horses but pamper them to the point of being absurd. If this horse could have been saved they would have. The fact is horses need all four legs to support their weight and survive.  She was in agony. Also these horses love to run.. they truly do. Even in the fields all they do is run. If you really want to see a horse farm your welcome to come here and I will take you... I will guarantee you would change your mind.

  4. I agree. Its exciting to some extent but then I thought about it. I dont think its very humane. NO!!! I didnt make it to the television in time but when i found out this morning i was heartbroken. Its so sad how people put young horses in like that for MONEY. Its really depressing. I would be so mordified if my favorite horse on this planet was put into a big shindig like that and had to be put down for breaking to ankles.

    I'll pray for Eight Bells.

    Stop cruel horse racing in Isreal: (petition)

    ♥ I added you. Good luck stoping horse racing. I'm with you!

    ♥ My real name on here is Jennifer Jeter but until 1:05 tomorrow I am "Eight Belles" in honor of the beautiful horse that died yesterday ♥

  5. THEY DIDNT SHOOT HER!  DOH!!! They humanely put her down. All athletes take chances of injury. The better the athlete, the higher the stakes of injury. Horses get hurt, just as we do, accidents happen, its just sad horse legs do not mend well.

  6. Okay. You seem to know nothing about the sport, so stop dissin something you know nothing about.

    Eight Belles was not SHOT, she was euthanized. Euthanizing a horse does not hurt them in any way. They just fall into a slow death (UN-painfully).

    And the would have tried to save her but there is no way you could save a horse with fractured ankles, it would be wayyy to hard on them. They could not even walk. Especially with both of them broken!

    So just settle down and think about it.

  7. They were doing the right thing.

    A horse can't heal once it breaks both ankles. Horses stand on four legs all day. They couldn't even move Eight Belles off the track.

    A race horse named Barbaro broke one of his legs last year. His owners did their best to help him heal, but he died months afterward anyway.

    Veterinarians pronounced Eight Belles's injury to be fatal. Would you rather have a horse live a couple of months in enormous pain and immobility before it dies, or do you want to stop its pain on the spot.

    It may seem disgusting, but I know it's the right thing to do.

  8. I agree that the horse racing industry is abusive and disgusting.  Horses do not need to die in this way after living their lives in captivity at the whim of greedy inhumane people and after spending their lives being tormented daily to fulfill gambling addictions.  The horse is a highly sensitive animal deserving of living its life in freedom.  The animal's natural instinct is to move constantly and to roam freely.  The horse loves to frolic in the sun and rain.  It is not natural for horses to be driven by a jocky's whip to cross a finish line with thousands of insane gamblers shrieking about how much money they have won or lost.  The word "humane" has its origin in the word for the very creatures who torture our beautiful equines.  The word would be more meaningful if it were "monkeyane" or "elephantane" since most creatures other than humans have more sense of what is fair and equitable for fellow creatures on shared planet earth.  There is something dreadfully wrong with humans who willingly and unfeelingly participate in such horrific activities as horse racing.  It is no more humane than bull fighting, c**k fighting, dog racing, or any number of other activities that are recognized as abusive in many parts of the world.  The only reason horse-racing is still allowed is because of the political circles it swings in.  Hillary and Chelsea should be ashamed to have been a part of such an event and I hope they both recognize, after Eight Belles went down, that horse racing is just plain wrong.  If you really want to become motiviated about doing away with horse racing, contact Hillary right now and let her know how you feel.  Get involved in the politics of horse racing and you will find a way to eliminate it.  Thank you for standing up against this.  You and I may be the only two people who recognize that the Kentucky Derby needs to be stopped, but I hope there are many, many more.

  9. They don't shoot the horse!  This isn't like the old west or something.  They had to euthanise the animal because she did not have a good front leg to stand on to even attempt to walk to the ambulance.  Horse leg injuries are very tricky, and the severe breaks usually don't end well.  Would you rather the horse be in pain to live or would you have the horse put to sleep painlessly.  To live with breaks like that would be more abuse!

    Also, I have been watching this race and many others for almost 20 years and it sounds like you have little to no experience with this sport, give us fans a break and stop watching so you will stop trying to start uninformed causes.

  10. ...settle the **** down.

    They didn't SHOOT the horse! They euthinized her, which means they put her down. The horse feels minimal pain when they do this, and they die peacefully. They didn't shoot her......

  11. No we don't.   There are worse things happening to humans everyday in this country and certainly in some of the barbaric middle eastern countries.   Maybe that's where people need to focus their energy.

  12. You are the poster child for being uneducated, honestly... study up more before inserting foot in your mouth.

    Until you know and understand horse anatomy and physiology and fractures....... then I will talk, until them, enjoy your barbies.

  13. i agree its bad, but greyhound racing is 100 times worse.... THAT should be stopped

  14. All these owners want to do is make money,they don't give a c**p about the horses. Hope the crowd enjoyed watching them pick her up with a backhoe. There are Horse Rescues you can help.

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