
We need to understand legal risks for answer page in Vietnam?

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We need to understand legal risks for answer page in Vietnam?




  1. i dont think there is any problem as long as you live in usa,because i post anything i want since 1999 when i first got this computer til now,but if you are living in vietnam i am not so sure about it,the vietnam communist police may find your address and get you though,but if you dont do anything bad so why have to worry right?just remember this:internet is the place ppl around the world online 24 hours traffic and busy!

  2. No I don't think so

  3. Do you mean this answer page or any Internet access? Each of sites has its own rules and regulations. As long as you don't violate their terms and conditions, and don't do anything that incriminates yourself,  you'll be fine.  Remember, nothing is safe on the Internet, people can easily find your IP where ever you are.

  4. ???

  5. Unlike China, Vietnam does not censor the Internet. Vietnam's government intentionally allowed open Internet access to help advance the country's technology industry. In other words, you can access anything on the Internet from Vietnam as if you are accessing from the U.S., Australia or any other country that has unrestricted Internet access.

    You are already proving Vietnam's unrestricted access by posting a question here. I was in Hanoi and accessed some p**n site to test for restrictions, and I had absolutely no problems at all (except for when my wife came in and seen what I was doing).

    So post your questions and answers all you want here without worry about the Internet cops knocking on your door.

  6. I am not sure what you are asking. If you are wondering if you can post ANYTHING on YA and not have to worry about the government finding out who you are, the answer is no. If you advocate commiting a crime, yahoo will give your contact info to the police.

    This has already happened in China and I am sure that most governments monitor the web pretty thoroughly.

  7. No legal liability. Even Western cultures cannot enforce it.

    for example:

    An Indian answers a YA America to a Vietnamese. What cyber laws should apply? US or Indian or Vietnamese. No ways, there are little or no agreement on cyber field between countries except some countries signed and agree disputation on some fields through FTA (Free Trade Agreement).

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