
We now have more snow cover than any time since 1966. Forget global warming. Are we ready for a new ice age?

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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  1. We also had cold winters in the 30s and 40s that were colder and if you look at the 100 years graph of temp that hasn’t stopped the upward deniers above can babble about faith & believers & al gore all they want, the fact is, sustained ice level needs year after year of snow to compress down into ice, 1 or 2 cold years don't really affect anything. see the link below for the difference between the end of last summer and the same date in 1990 the difference is major.

  2. As you can see, believers will tend to find a way of explaining any weather phenomena in terms of AGW.  

    This isn't science - this is faith.

  3. Snow cover does not relate to temperature as much as it does to precipitation, especially in cold regions.  

    For every two scientists that try to debunk climate change, I would posit there are hundreds who have evidence of its existence.  

    For example, the scientists cited below:  

    ...a trend in snow cover is “dependent on the snowfall trend rather than on the temperature trend, if winter temperature is well below freezing.”

    ...many studies that “have shown that higher snowfall is a characteristic of a warming climate in cold regions.”

  4. Al Gore is full of it..Not only was Al wrong about his internet discovery (on Larry King live) but now has egg on his face, once again about Global warming nonsense.

  5. This is, frankly, nonsense.  Scientific opinion is OVERWHELMING that global warming is a significant fact, the only real debate is over its extent. A tiny minority chooses insignificant details to argue that the whole thing is false.  Yes, maybe there is more snow somewhere this year, nothing in global warming theory says there can't be. The point is that it is GLOBAL warming.  That affects climate, cloud cover, wind, rainfall, even ocean currents and more. Locally, global warming can result in plummeting temperatures.  If the gulf stream diverts southwards, or stops altogether, the UK will be in for a serious chill, temporarily, until the whole planet has heated enough for it not to matter.

    People also say that the carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases humanity has liberated into the atmosphere are tiny compared to that from cows, volcanoes, etc.  But don't forget this is in addition to the 'natural' contribution. We've not yet found a way to switch volcanoes off!

    If the subject interests you (and it should) read as much as you can from ALL the research with an open mind, don't cherry-pick the bits that back your favourite idea. You'll find mountains of hard fact to counter any sceptic's molehills of doubt.

    Best wishes

  6. Now that there are plenty of believers who tell you that more snow and cold are proof that the climate is warming, it's time to get back to reality.

    Believers missed the science.  They interpreted their science incorrectly, then they got stuck into a mob mentality that forced them to follow the mob in order to get funding and grants.

    Thankfully there always a group of dedicated independent, objective scientist who kept studying the issue and determined that the Sun, not man is the cause for all warming on Earth.

    Now that the Sun is entering into a cold phase, we should expect that winters will be harsher for the next 50 years.

    Too bad the greed of some corrupt scientist spoiled our ability to enjoy the warmth while it was here.

  7. Not until Al Gore gets a chance to release his follow up book titled "A Convenient Lie"

  8. Get ready for a good fleecing ! The liberal left is coming to dinner.

  9. Cold winters with increased snowfall. Sure. Isn't it interesting how the followers of the GLOBAL WARMING RELIGION are conveniently changing the term "global warming" to "climate change?"  

    They blow off the facts by saying that "weather extremes are typical during global warming."  Its called WEATHER folks and planet earth will continue to have warm and cold cycles for as long as our sun continues to be a sun.

    Wasn't it enough proof for you last year to see Al Gore's bloated energy sucking lifestyle exposed when his energy bill for one of his mansions became public? Wasn't it enough to discover that he flits around the world like a rock star in his old gas guzzler Gulfstream jet?

    No that didn't change your mind because you have become glassy eyed, slack jawed fanatics. You have chosen to turn off the one thing that apparently seperates us from other animals...and that is our ability to reason.

    I am a firm believer and practitioner of doing everything I can afford to do to decrease whatever I do that pollutes this earth...BUT...we've been sold a bill of goods by a big fat bloated bag of gas opportunist named Al Gore.

    Al Gore has the wealth and the means and ALL the reasons to do the right thing by minimizing his footprint on this earth...but he did NOTHING with his energy sucking mansion until AFTER the press exposed his excessive life style. Al Gore is a phony and a hypocrite and aren't you tired of giving these arrogant politicians a pass?

    Would it surprise you to know that even George Bush (who may go down in history as the worst president we've ever had) lives a greener lifestyle than Al Gore? Go ahead and click on the link to see what I'm talking about...

    Sorry to rip on you greenies, because really, I think you mean well, but real and substantive change will happen when YOU individually do everything YOU can to create a greener lifestyle...but run the other way when these sleaze bag politicians start blowing hot gas out of their mouths.

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