
We only have less than 100 years recorded temp data, can Global warming be a 1k, 5k or 10k year warming cycle?

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We only have less than 100 years recorded temp data, can Global warming be a 1k, 5k or 10k year warming cycle?




  1. <<can Global warming be a 1k, 5k or 10k year warming cycle?>>

    yep, sure can.

    has many times in the past.

    however, this time we've caused it.

    care to learn about the science?

  2. Yes there are cycles.

    But if you want to make more money and gain the most power you need to ignore the science that says there are cycles (which is history) and believe that we are causing it instead (which is theory and myth).

  3. Sure, good question.

    Pick any few years in sequence, like the GW promoters did and you can get global cooling, global warming, or global stalling.

  4. This is possible, but what evidence do you have that there are such cycles, and what's the likely cause of those cycles? Also how would these cycles disprove 200 years of scientific understanding[1] says that greenhouse gases trap energy/heat (in the form of infrared radiation) close to Earth's surface? Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases increase global temperatures.

    Also, Antarctica ice cores give us 450,000 years of temperature information.[1] (I think that this has recently been pushed back to 850,000 years.)

  5. This is a common myth as if the science only has one way of determining a fact. In reality, any fact that cannot be checked (triangulated) using a variety of methods should be considered suspect.

    Luckily, we have many ways of determining ambient temperature, general climatic conditions, ocean temperatures, weather patterns, etc, etc. The advent of the air temperature records was simply one more way of correlating the data (and in turn, being corraborated itself).

    Personally, I would have some doubts about GW if the only evidence came from the one source - that 100 years that you quote. Good thing we aren't relying on just one datum!

    I am a little confused and concerned by some of the arguments put forward by the skeptics who seem to believe that something is only true once man started measuring it directly...

    Proxy data is a perfectly valid, almost necessary part of science. For centuries people argued that the Earth was round... why? Because of proxy data - the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse; the way ships masts 'fell' beneath the horizon, etc. There were, of course, a few skeptics who refused to believe that the world was anything except flat simply because it hadn't actually been measured or photographed - it wasn't "100% proven" until the space age.

    This is Boatman's position: The world is flat!

    And, of course, we have the other badscience lads out to play:

    Jello, with his ramble to show he understands what an average is and implies that the graph has cut off the 'hot' history that would create the average shown on the graph. Hey, Jelly! The link that you gave us tells us that the average is an average of temperatures between 1961 and 1990 which are shown on the chart - there is no missing data, there is no man on the grassy knoll...

    Just is...

    If you're going to argue a point, please make sure you are on the same page... 'proxy' is not the same as 'proxy data'. Proxy data is "data that measures the cause and effect relationship between two variables indirectly" and has nothing to do with legal powers of attorney... (bet you confuse hydrocarbon and carbohyrates as well!)

    As I've already said, proxy data is used all the time in many facets of science and life in general (although it often has different names e.g. 'circumstantial evidence' in legal circles) and we wouldn't be able to function without it.

    So, if anyone is going to make themselves look like an idiot it might be a person whose wife keeps coming home late or not at all, has hushed telephone conversations that she abruptly hangs up when her husband comes in the room, acts excited and giddy and generally different than usual... a person who hears from his friends that his wife is having an affair, notices she has changed her makeup and perfume, has new jewellery and racks up large taxi bills but still won't believe she is cheating on him because all of that is just 'proxy data'!

    Or simpler, a person who makes an idiot of himself might be someone who uses a quotation from an adolescent cartoon to argue matters of global importance...

  6. Yes-- it surely can be-- however as I have said before -- given another 15 years of satellite data then the trend (current) would be well established -- I am waiting for more SAT data-- the ground data is suspect-- along with the numerous forcing calculations-- and unknown assumptions made in the computer models...... it's just a BIG WHAT IF calculation.

    BUT-- Economically we need to move as fast as possible to alternative sources of energy like this-- so I am not opposed to new energy ideas.

  7. Believers cherry pick their data to provide the results they need to fit the conclusion that they believe is correct.

    How many times do you hear that this is "the worst hurricane/tornado season since 1970?  Because the hurricane/tornado season in the 1930-1940 was much worse, however this does not fit in with their story of so-called "global warming"

    Here's another example.  Refer to the graph on this page:

    The story focuses just on the last decade when temperatures went a scant 0.5 degrees above average.  It never refers to the 130 years that the climate was 0.5 degrees below average!  This means that sometime before the graph the temperatures had to be warmer than today, or warmer for a longer period of time to have the average temperature above the temperatures of that 130 years when they were below normal!

  8. "We have proxy data for hundreds of thousands of years"


    1.the agency, function, or power of a person authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another.

    2.the person so authorized; substitute; agent.

    3.a written authorization empowering another person to vote or act for the signer, as at a meeting of stockholders. ally or confederate who can be relied upon to speak or act in one's behalf.

    So your saying SUBSTITUTE data is real, reliable, and 100%? That just proves you have no idea what you talking about.

    Once again Dana, you make yourself look like an idiot by using WIKIS as outside sources, one of which is written by you.

    Just so you know, from Merriam Webster.

    Main Entry:

        wi·ki Listen to the pronunciation of wiki


        \ˈwi-kē, ˈwē-\




        WikiWikiWeb, a Web site with such programming introduced in 1995



    : a Web site that allows visitors to make changes, contributions, or corrections

    Meaning anyone anywhere, with any agenda can edit it to say what they want, so that they can think of themselves as right, and try and convince people who are easily convinced of anything, to believe the same.

    To quote South Park - "We have to move away! Environmentalists dont use reason!"

  9. No.

    a) We have proxy temperature data for hundreds of thousands of years.

    b) We now about the Earth's natural cycles.  We're not due for a rapid warming right now.

    c) If this were somehow a natural warming cycle, you would have to explain how the increase in atmospheric CO2 *isn't* causing warming.

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