
We put a rebuild carb on our boat & noticed the ilde way high. We adjusted it & now the throttle sticks only..

by  |  earlier

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The throttle sticks when the engine is running. When the engine is off, it works just fine. We don't know if this has anything to do with the new carb. We tried adjusting the thtottle & it continues to stick. Any thoughts on what we should do or even why it does it when the boat is running.




  1. "...why it does it when the boat is running."

    Running/not running, the only difference is that the engine's sucking air thru the carb throat while it's running.

  2. OK! Try this. Disconnect the throttle cable from the carb.  Then put the gear shift in neutral with no throttle.  Now adjust the carb idle s***w, and by hand rev the eng. and let it return to idle a few times.  Now by adjusting the threaded end on the cable, reconnect the throttle cable without moving the carb. linkage at all.   Now start the engine and shift through the gears and see if it jams.

  3. It shouldn't stick so disconnect the carb and try the throttle with out the carb does it travel free> If it's a quadrojet they have issue with sticking at idle>So if it dosen't works with out the cable it's the carb that has issues>Return it>

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