
We remember 9/11 but do Americans remember 7/7?

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Im not trying to cause any trouble. Im just trying to understand the reasons behind this. 9/11 hurt the British people emotionally because we are USA allies but it seems weird that they wouldn't remember a terrorist attack against us. I mean ok a lot more people perished in 9/11 but thats just numbers.




  1. It wouldn't say much for America and their war on Terror if they didn't.  No actually, it would speak volumes

  2. No, most Americans cant find Iraq so doubt they even know where we are on the map..

  3. Isolationism and America - they always appear in the same sentence, don't they?

    It's probable that most Americans have no clue about 7/7, but I've never felt the need to ask them. I suppose those who have access to Google might know something... Then again, are we so dependant on them that they need to remember?

    Edit: has David M been using copy and paste lately?

  4. To Mark, asking if anyone remembers what happened on 11/3/04 - was that the Madrid train bombings?

    (Just saying that off the top of my head, so if I'm wrong don;t shout me down!)

  5. You know what, I'm ashamed to say that until i read this post i too had not remembered the sad significance of today's date - and i'm British.

    But there have been many lives lost due to terrorists attacks since 9/11, including the Madrid bombings on 11/3/04.

    R.I.P. all those whose lives have been cruelly taken because of these wicked people.

  6. Course they don't, Americans think that America is the whole world. Then again, can you remember what date the terror attacks in Madrid took place? I'm guessing no.

  7. Americans who know how to read a newspaper might.

  8. 7/7? July of 2007? What are you referring to? I'm confused but still interested in the question.

    -It depends on the generation you belong to and what was major for that space in time. My mom remembers when Elvis died and when JFK was killed compared to the things I remember. I remember the Columbine shooting, 9/11, Bill Clinton being elected ... twice ... There is a huge age gap in the American population so it's not surprising that most of us don't know what you mean off the top of our heads.

  9. of course they dont.

    9/11 was the probably the first real terror attack they have experienced since pearl harbour, whereas it happens to us all the time ever since the IRA etc.

  10. No. Surly its not hard to see why either? A bus, part of the Tube and 50 people is not quite the same as the whole of the Twin Towers plus 2000 of people

  11. I think you'd be pigheaded and selfish as we Americans can be, there are still those of us who care about people outside of the country...And yes I do remember those bombings, and any senseless attack of human life is a tragedy...especially today I pray for all those affected by the bombings.

  12. nope, i don't care, until you start putting 1 troop to our 1 troop instead of 1 troop to our 100 troops, i do not care

    maybe you people over there should see the importance.

  13. No, but I'll google it.

    American's don't think Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11.  You guys underestimate us.

  14. There's quite a difference between 50 and 3,000.

  15. most americans think saddam hussein was responsible for 9/11.

    that should answer your question about 7/7.

  16. I'm here to tell you that the American people have no idea that any other country exist- Our news media and our government make sure no other nation is mentioned, unless it's  "evil doers" that we may need to attack. We are constantly told of our superior system of government, our superior health care , our superior standard of living , all other people on this earth are doing their best to get to America, we are the shining light of the world! And don't forget our superior education system that enables us to become so smart that almost half of the students do not need to finish high school, so they drop out. Don't get me wrong, I love my country and am as patriotic as any one, but we sure do have a lot of problems in our government and attitude over here. I wish we could change some way for the better. What's bad is that you just can't believe how many people believe in how superior we are to the rest of the world- they don't realize that we are the worlds laughingstock.

  17. i do not think most americas know what 7/7 is or what it was.

  18. nope, i doubt most of them even know what happened. but thats probably cause 9/11 was so big

  19. No! They wont ... the English are the only ones who remember ... Not even us (The Scottish) remember ... so what chance do the Americans have?

    Just like how the Scottish are the only ones who remember the Glasgow Airport car-bomb.

  20. I, as an American, grieve with thee.  Your country was smashed in the guts like ours was on September 11...

    One of our countrymen once said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom", and my corollary to that is:  "Eternal vigilance is the price of safety as well."

    I used to part with friends by saying, "Have a nice day!" but now I say instead, "Be safe!"

  21. Probably not, but the thing you have to remember is that more British people died during 9/11 than on 7/7 and that is one of the reasons we remember it.

  22. What about 11/03?  Madrid, Spain?...........191 dead?  

    We all seem to be forgetting there are more people affected by terrorism than the British or the Americans.  So, for every person that posted you an answer saying Americans can't see beyond themselves will they admit to remembering the Madrid bombings?

    I'm not British, or American BTW

  23. The 7 July 2005 London bombings (also called the 7/7 bombings) were a series of coordinated bomb blasts planned by Islamist extremists, motivated by the 2003 invasion of Iraq, hit London's public transport system during the morning rush hour. At 8:50 a.m., three bombs exploded within fifty seconds of each other on three London Underground trains. A fourth bomb exploded on a bus nearly an hour later at 9:47 a.m. in Tavistock Square. The bombings killed 52 commuters and the four suicide bombers, injured 700, and caused disruption of the city's transport system (severely for the first day) and the country's mobile telecommunications infrastructure. The series of suicide-bomb explosions constituted the largest and deadliest terrorist attack on London in its history.

  24. The reason we remember 9/11 is because of the number of English people who were killed as well as the number of Americans. Plus of course the dramatic way in which they were killed and the amount of publicity the event received. I am sure that those Americans that were visiting England at the time of 7/7 will remember the tragedy as well as those who sent messages of sympathy for the tragic loss of those who died. Life goes on and memories fade and if we are not constantly reminded about past tragedies they fade into oblivion. Anyway, most Americans have worries enough to occupy their thoughts, there's Bush for a start.

    I hope this answers your question.

  25. Yes I do remember the attack of 7/7.  It made me very sad and angry.  Yes, more lives may have been taken on 9/11, but terrorism is terrorism.  If one innocent person is hurt by it, then it's always devastating.

  26. I very strongly doubt they will know of it more than some "bombings" in london. Though given the % of american's that have no passport and know little of the actual geography of the world it isn't much of a shock.

  27. I reckon most of them don't even know about 7/7.

    But, here's a question for you.  What happened on 11/3/2004?

    [Edit] - allegoricalwoman, spot on.  The day that nearly 200 people were killed and almost 2000 injured, but a lot of people forget that....

  28. I can guarantee you most of them will know nothing about it.

  29. were Americans so no,btw over 2000 deaths 9/11

    and 52 for 7/7 i think the Americans are going to remember

    9/11 much more then 7/7

  30. No. They think tragedy only ever happens to them

  31. I am so sorry that some of these people are comparing the numbers of how many died. It does not matter how many died, it's the fact that PEOPLE died at the hands of selfish terrorists. I am an American and I do remember what happened.  It was awful in England, New York, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Madrid, Bali and the countless others.

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