
We rescued the French from the Vietnamese so why don't they do what we tell them to do?

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We rescued the French from the Vietnamese so why don't they do what we tell them to do?




  1. They rescued us from the British back in the day.  They probably consider themselves paid up.  

    PS. We didn't rescue them from the Vietnamese.  

  2. So, in other words, you're saying that since we have so much money and guns, we can go around the world saving nations from whatever and own them?  Well, who's gonna save them from America?

  3. We didn't rescue the French. We came to their aid and they ran.  

  4. Because we don't own them, that's why!  That's one of the reasons America is perceived with contempt throughout much of the globe - the arrogant expectation that the rest of the nations of the world will simply bow to the will of our politicians.  The current moron occupying the White House does a great deal to help enhance that perception.  His criticism of Russia for invading a sovereign nation while he did the same thing more than 5 years ago must ring hollow in the ears of many foreign observers.  Indeed, many are probably getting a good belly laugh out of it.  What a hypocrite!

    Our so-called leaders trounce around the globe behaving as though it is their backyard to do with as they please.  The French merely force American politicians to come back to reality, reminding them that there are other neighbors on the block.  Furthermore, those neighbors may have other plans for their own property, and they may just join forces with other neighbors to protect themselves from the arrogant bully on the block - the U.S.

  5. Huh? When did we rescue the french from the Vietnamese?

    First Indochina War

    Indochina in 1954

    After the war, France had the Franco-Siamese treaty of 1938 nullified and attempted to reassert itself in the region, but came into conflict with the Viet Minh, a coalition of Communist and Vietnamese nationalists under French-educated Ho Chi Minh. During World War II, the United States had supported the Viet Minh in resistance against the Japanese; the group was in control of the country apart from the cities since the French gave way in March 1945. After persuading Emperor Bao Dai to abdicate in his favour, on September 2, 1945 Ho — as president — declared independence for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. But before the end of September, a force of British, French, and Indian soldiers, along with captured Japanese troops, restored French control. Bitter fighting ensued in the First Indochina War. In 1950 Ho again declared an independent Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which was recognized by the fellow Communist governments of China and the Soviet Union.

    Fighting lasted until March 1954, when the Viet Minh won the decisive victory against French forces at the gruelling Battle of Dien Bien Phu. This led to the partition of Vietnam into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North, under Viet Minh control, and the State of Vietnam in the South, which had the support of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. The events of 1954 also marked the end of French involvement in the region, and the beginnings of serious US commitment to South Vietnam which led to the Vietnam War.

    The French pulled out, the US went in..

  6. Because they don't want too,and they don't have too.

  7. Why doesn't America do everything what the native americans tell them to do? Because there is no such thing as inherited debts and we live in a (at least somewhat) free world in which poeple, especially countries ought to have the right to make their own decisions don't they?


  8. Whether you like it or not, people will not respect you or do what you tell them to do if they are not willing.  Yes, we did a nice thing for them but think about how life works...maybe you rescue a friend from a terrible relationship. They thank you, go on their way and live their life.  It's nice that you saved helped them out, you didn't have to, but this does not obligate them to have to listen to everything you tell them to do or every choice you think would be better for them.  They are independent and free and can do what they want.  It would be nice if they did listen to you, but they are not obligated...this is the same with France.

  9. How?

    Decode this lyrics " The room at the top of the stairs"

    When the French lover fall out of bed..

    The Freedom Fighters have to bring them home in time.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  10. For the same reason that they didn't listen to us when we rescued them from the Germans in World War One - they're french

    Again in World War Two - they were invaded by the Germans - the Germans occupied france - we booted them out and won the war that the french again couldn't - why because they're the french.

    They haven't won a war in how long??  

  11. It was payback for them coming to our rescue when we were at war with the British.  You do remember the "Revolutionary War"?

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