
We spray painted the road?

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my friend and i found some neon orange spray paint in my house. we went outside and decided to write summer '08. i thought she was going to write is small but she wrote it kinda big. we did like 3 coats. my mom got really mad because its like graffti, but we didnt know the road infront of my house wasnt ours. do you think it will come out or fade. it wont wash of, the paint was not water baised




  1. it is graffiti and the road is not a permission wall,

    you might be in a bit of trouble, you might learn to think some actions through to the consequences stage, it's called "maturity

    by the way the paint remover is a BAD idea. it will disolve the asphalt and then there WILL be some permanent  damage to the road very serious damage to the road.

  2. It just sounds ugly and trashy but is no big deal.  Get a big can of gel consistancy paint remover and pour a line of the remover over the lines of paint after dark and hose it down when the remover has broken down the paint.  My sister and I once wrote in and stomped in the new sidewalk that the city had just laid down in front of our house.  It looked trashy and crappy even though our mother made us go smoothe it out as best we could.  The city did not cause us any legal trouble though.  It's a kid thing to do..don't do it and learn...

  3. It'll take a while to fade.  You could get some grey paint (whatever shade of grey would best match the road) and paint over it.

  4. You could get a can of spray on grey primer, to hide the orange better, and paint a block of paint over the letters.  Then let that dry, do another coat of it, let that dry, then top with a few coats of flat black spray paint.

    The finished result should look like a patch of asphalt.

    Just don't get caught doing it!

  5. How old are you? You defaced government property by painting the street. It is illegal to paint on streets, wall, bridges, trains, and etc. Leave it alone and it will fade away.

    I guess you learned a lesson, right?

    School is starting soon. (I bet your mom is happy.)

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

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