
We want a baby anybody help?

by  |  earlier

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me and my gf have been trying for a baby for 6 months we have s*x regular and we have tried to rais her legs after s*x to see if that helps but nothing seems to be working anyone got any tips?




  1. You should both go to a doctor. One or both of you might have a problem. Take care.

  2. You should have s*x every OTHER day from the end of one period to the beginning if the next. Missionary position and cushion under her bum and then tell her to lay still with knees up for 10 mins after. Good luck.

  3. Tell her to get some ovulation predictor tests and to start monitoring her cycle with fertility friend

    This will give you some idea of the best time to conceive.

  4. Try not think about it so much.

    Get her to buy ovulation kits....Just to make sure shes ovulating.

    You could try taking some brazil nuts!!!

    stop smoking/drinking.,...

    It will happen :)


  5. Roughly 14 days after her period starts, but that is really just an avg. I've ovulated as short as 9 days after my period and as long as 22 days after my period started.

    Could I suggest picking up Taking Charge of Your Fertility or going through the tutorial at ? It'll help you know your partners personal fertile signs so you know when you are most likely to concieve.

  6. ignore some of they childish comments

    1st has ur gf just came of the pill? if so it can take up2 a year 4 her body 2 get back 2 normal it took my friend 6 months to get pregnant u can also go online and check out the ovulation calenders which can be very useful or u can buy a ovulation kit have s*x maybe at the beginning of the week middle and end and a mans sperm can live inside a womans body upto 5 days :) if still no luck after a year has past thats when u both should go and c ur doctor best of luck 2 u both

    mother of 1 and trying for another :)

  7. Trust me, having s*x everyday or every other day will not make a difference. Tell your girlfriend to buy an ovulation kit, which will tell her exactly when the best time to conceive is. If this doesn't work you both will need to see a fertility doctor to find out what the problem is.

    My husband and I have s*x everyday for three years and eventually ended up pregnant with twins. Sometimes, these things take time and many, many tries.


  8. My pregnancy wasnt planned however I was charting (you should start doing this, has a great ovulation calender) and it suddenly happened after 3 years of having s*x unprotected (we werent trying but at first he said if it happened we wouldnt argue)

    sometimes it takes time and sometimes if you are too stressed out about trying that could not only dampen the desire but make her o-days off.

    Try charting, temping and as another user said ovulation kits are wonderful if you are concerned I would see a doctor, simple std's can make it impossible to be pregnant, not under any way am I saying either of you have one!! (please dont take it the wrong way).

    Good luck and lots and lots of baby dust

  9. your firing blanks maybe.

  10. I've heard that getting married increases your chance of having a happy healthy baby! Otherwise seek medical advice.

  11. My tip would be, don'tt have s*x every day. Have s*x maybe every 2-3 days. If you have s*x everyday then you sperm count would be lower. After you have had s*x tell your girlfriend to put a pillow underneath her so she is elevated.

    Good luck and lots of baby dust your way.


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